The size and burden of mental disorders and other disorders of the brain in Europe 2010 HU Wittchen, F Jacobi, J Rehm, A Gustavsson, M Svensson, B Jönsson, ... European neuropsychopharmacology 21 (9), 655-679, 2011 | 5372 | 2011 |
Prolonged Grief Disorder: Psychometric Validation of Criteria Proposed for DSM-V and ICD-11 HG Prigerson, MJ Horowitz, SC Jacobs, CM Parkes, M Aslan, K Goodkin, ... PLoS medicine 6 (8), e1000121, 2009 | 2416 | 2009 |
Cost of disorders of the brain in Europe 2010 A Gustavsson, M Svensson, F Jacobi, C Allgulander, J Alonso, E Beghi, ... European neuropsychopharmacology 21 (10), 718-779, 2011 | 2384 | 2011 |
Posttraumatic growth in clinical psychology—A critical review and introduction of a two component model T Zoellner, A Maercker Clinical psychology review 26 (5), 626-653, 2006 | 2127 | 2006 |
The International Trauma Questionnaire: Development of a self‐report measure of ICD‐11 PTSD and complex PTSD M Cloitre, M Shevlin, CR Brewin, JI Bisson, NP Roberts, A Maercker, ... Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 138 (6), 536-546, 2018 | 1149 | 2018 |
Diagnosis and classification of disorders specifically associated with stress: Proposals for ICD‐11 A Maercker, CR Brewin, RA Bryant, M Cloitre, M Van Ommeren, LM Jones, ... World Psychiatry 12 (3), 198-206, 2013 | 1026 | 2013 |
Evidence for proposed ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD: A latent profile analysis M Cloitre, DW Garvert, CR Brewin, RA Bryant, A Maercker European journal of psychotraumatology 4 (1), 20706, 2013 | 982 | 2013 |
Posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen A Maercker Verhaltenstherapiemanual, 533-541, 2008 | 978* | 2008 |
Innovations and changes in the ICD‐11 classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders GM Reed, MB First, CS Kogan, SE Hyman, O Gureje, W Gaebel, M Maj, ... World psychiatry 18 (1), 3-19, 2019 | 886 | 2019 |
A review of current evidence regarding the ICD-11 proposals for diagnosing PTSD and complex PTSD CR Brewin, M Cloitre, P Hyland, M Shevlin, A Maercker, RA Bryant, ... Clinical psychology review 58, 1-15, 2017 | 837 | 2017 |
Proposals for mental disorders specifically associated with stress in the International Classification of Diseases-11 A Maercker, CR Brewin, RA Bryant, M Cloitre, GM Reed, M Van Ommeren, ... The Lancet 381 (9878), 1683-1685, 2013 | 771 | 2013 |
The Janus face of self-perceived growth: Toward a two-component model of posttraumatic growth A Maercker, T Zoellner Psychological inquiry 15 (1), 41-48, 2004 | 705 | 2004 |
Erfassung von psychischen Belastungsfolgen: Die Impact of Event Skala-revidierte Version (IES-R). A Maercker, M Schützwohl Diagnostica, 1998 | 657 | 1998 |
Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for complicated grief: a randomized controlled trial B Wagner, C Knaevelsrud, A Maercker Death studies 30 (5), 429-453, 2006 | 611 | 2006 |
Internet-based treatment for PTSD reduces distress and facilitates the development of a strong therapeutic alliance: a randomized controlled clinical trial C Knaevelsrud, A Maercker BMC psychiatry 7, 1-10, 2007 | 610 | 2007 |
People nominated as wise: A comparative study of wisdom-related knowledge. PB Baltes, UM Staudinger, A Maercker, J Smith Psychology and aging 10 (2), 155, 1995 | 588 | 1995 |
Internet-based versus face-to-face cognitive-behavioral intervention for depression: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial B Wagner, AB Horn, A Maercker Journal of affective disorders 152, 113-121, 2014 | 500 | 2014 |
Posttraumatic stress disorder following political imprisonment: the role of mental defeat, alienation, and perceived permanent change. A Ehlers, A Maercker, A Boos Journal of abnormal psychology 109 (1), 45, 2000 | 472 | 2000 |
“Prolonged grief disorder” and “persistent complex bereavement disorder”, but not “complicated grief”, are one and the same diagnostic entity: an analysis of data from the Yale … PK Maciejewski, A Maercker, PA Boelen, HG Prigerson World Psychiatry 15 (3), 266-275, 2016 | 445 | 2016 |
A socio‐interpersonal perspective on PTSD: The case for environments and interpersonal processes A Maercker, AB Horn Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 20 (6), 465-481, 2013 | 406 | 2013 |