ritwik majumder
ritwik majumder
Senior Principal Engineer, Epiroc
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na epiroc.com
Improvement of stability and load sharing in an autonomous microgrid using supplementary droop control loop
R Majumder, B Chaudhuri, A Ghosh, R Majumder, G Ledwich, F Zare
IEEE transactions on power systems 25 (2), 796-808, 2009
Some aspects of stability in microgrids
R Majumder
IEEE Transactions on power systems 28 (3), 3243-3252, 2013
Power management and power flow control with back-to-back converters in a utility connected microgrid
R Majumder, A Ghosh, G Ledwich, F Zare
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (2), 821-834, 2009
Load sharing and power quality enhanced operation of a distributed microgrid
R Majumder, A Ghosh, G Ledwich, F Zare
IET Renewable Power Generation 3 (2), 109-119, 2009
Droop control of converter-interfaced microsources in rural distributed generation
R Majumder, G Ledwich, A Ghosh, S Chakrabarti, F Zare
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25 (4), 2768-2778, 2010
Angle droop versus frequency droop in a voltage source converter based autonomous microgrid
R Majumder, A Ghosh, G Ledwich, F Zare
2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2009
A hybrid microgrid with DC connection at back to back converters
R Majumder
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (1), 251-259, 2013
Reactive power compensation in single-phase operation of microgrid
R Majumder
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 60 (4), 1403-1416, 2012
Voltage imbalance analysis in residential low voltage distribution networks with rooftop PVs
F Shahnia, R Majumder, A Ghosh, G Ledwich, F Zare
Electric power systems research 81 (9), 1805-1814, 2011
Operation and control of a hybrid microgrid containing unbalanced and nonlinear loads
F Shahnia, R Majumder, A Ghosh, G Ledwich, F Zare
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (8), 954-965, 2010
Integration of distributed generation in the volt/var management system for active distribution networks
J Barr, R Majumder
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (2), 576-586, 2014
Control and protection of a microgrid with converter interfaced micro sources
M Dewadasa, R Majumder, A Ghosh, G Ledwich
2009 International Conference on Power Systems, 1-6, 2009
Sensitivity analysis of voltage imbalance in distribution networks with rooftop PVs
F Shahnia, R Majumder, A Ghosh, G Ledwich, F Zare
IEEE PES General Meeting, 1-8, 2010
Control of parallel converters for load sharing with seamless transfer between grid connected and islanded modes
R Majumder, A Ghosh, G Ledwich, F Zare
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008
An alternative method to build DC switchyard with hybrid DC breaker for DC grid
R Majumder, S Auddy, B Berggren, G Velotto, P Barupati, TU Jonsson
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 32 (2), 713-722, 2016
Control and protection of a microgrid connected to utility through back-to-back converters
R Majumder, M Dewadasa, A Ghosh, G Ledwich, F Zare
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (7), 1424-1435, 2011
Modeling, stability analysis and control of microgrid
R Majumder
Queensland university of technology, 2010
DC grid control through the pilot voltage droop concept—Methodology for establishing droop constants
B Berggren, K Lindén, R Majumder
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (5), 2312-2320, 2014
Power sharing and control in distributed generation with wireless sensor networks
R Majumder, G Bag, KH Kim
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (2), 618-634, 2012
Aspect of voltage stability and reactive power support in active distribution
R Majumder
IET generation, transmission & distribution 8 (3), 442-450, 2014
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