Seyed Abbas Taher,  Professor
Optimal location and sizing of DSTATCOM in distribution systems by immune algorithm
SA Taher, SA Afsari
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 60, 34-44, 2014
Fractional order PID controller design for LFC in electric power systems using imperialist competitive algorithm
SA Taher, MH Fini, SF Aliabadi
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 5 (1), 121-135, 2014
Congestion management by determining optimal location of TCSC in deregulated power systems
H Besharat, SA Taher
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 30 (10), 563-568, 2008
Optimal reconfiguration and DG allocation in balanced and unbalanced distribution systems
SA Taher, MH Karimi
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 5 (3), 735-749, 2014
New approach for optimal UPFC placement using hybrid immune algorithm in electric power systems
SA Taher, MK Amooshahi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 43 (1), 899-909, 2012
Grid secondary frequency control by optimized fuzzy control of electric vehicles
S Falahati, SA Taher, M Shahidehpour
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 5613-5621, 2017
A new approach for optimal capacitor placement and sizing in unbalanced distorted distribution systems using hybrid honey bee colony algorithm
SA Taher, R Bagherpour
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 49, 430-448, 2013
A new smart charging method for EVs for frequency control of smart grid
S Falahati, SA Taher, M Shahidehpour
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 83, 458-469, 2016
Optimal location and sizing of UPQC in distribution networks using differential evolution algorithm
SA Taher, SA Afsari
Mathematical Problems in engineering 2012 (1), 838629, 2012
A novel method for optimal capacitor placement and sizing in distribution systems with nonlinear loads and DG using GA
SA Taher, M Hasani, A Karimian
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (2), 851-862, 2011
Robust operation of a multicarrier energy system considering EVs and CHP units
H Zafarani, SA Taher, M Shahidehpour
Energy 192, 116703, 2020
Optimal decentralized load frequency control using HPSO algorithms in deregulated power systems
SA Taher, R Hematti, A Abdolalipour, SH Tabei
American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (9), 1167-1174, 2008
Smart Deregulated Grid Frequency Control in Presence of Renewable Energy Resources by EVs Charging Control
S Falahati, SA Taher, M Shahidehpour
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016
A hybrid islanding detection method based on the rates of changes in voltage and active power for the multi-inverter systems
M Seyedi, SA Taher, B Ganji, J Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (4), 2800-2811, 2021
Grid frequency control with electric vehicles by using of an optimized fuzzy controller
S Falahati, SA Taher, M Shahidehpour
Applied energy 178, 918-928, 2016
Transmission congestion management by determining optimal location of FACTS devices in deregulated power systems
SA Taher, H Besharat
American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (3), 242-247, 2008
A new method for optimal location and sizing of capacitors in distorted distribution networks using PSO algorithm
SA Taher, A Karimian, M Hasani
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2), 662-672, 2011
A poverty severity index-based protection strategy for ring-bus low-voltage DC microgrids
M Salehi, SA Taher, I Sadeghkhani, M Shahidehpour
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 6860-6869, 2019
A New Approach for Soft Synchronization of Microgrid Using Robust Control Theory
SA Taher, M Zolfaghari, C Cho, M Abedi, M Shahidehpour
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2016
Optimal placement of UPFC in power systems using immune algorithm
SA Taher, MK Amooshahi
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (5), 1399-1412, 2011
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