Larry J. Williams
Larry J. Williams
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na unl.edu
Job satisfaction and organizational commitment as predictors of organizational citizenship and in-role behaviors
LJ Williams, SE Anderson
Journal of management 17 (3), 601-617, 1991
Construction and initial validation of a multidimensional measure of work–family conflict
DS Carlson, KM Kacmar, LJ Williams
Journal of Vocational behavior 56 (2), 249-276, 2000
Antecedents and consequences of satisfaction and commitment in turnover models: A reanalysis using latent variable structural equation methods.
LJ Williams, JT Hazer
Journal of applied psychology 71 (2), 219, 1986
Lack of method variance in self-reported affect and perceptions at work: reality or artifact?
LJ Williams, JA Cote, MR Buckley
Journal of applied psychology 74 (3), 462, 1989
Method variance and marker variables: A review and comprehensive CFA marker technique
LJ Williams, N Hartman, F Cavazotte
Organizational research methods 13 (3), 477-514, 2010
A review of current practices for evaluating causal models in organizational behavior and human resources management research
GJ Medsker, LJ Williams, PJ Holahan
Journal of management 20 (2), 439-464, 1994
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: Guidelines, issues, and alternatives
AE Hurley, TA Scandura, CA Schriesheim, MT Brannick, A Seers, ...
Journal of organizational behavior, 667-683, 1997
12 structural equation modeling in management research: A guide for improved analysis
LJ Williams, RJ Vandenberg, JR Edwards
Academy of Management Annals 3 (1), 543-604, 2009
Recent advances in causal modeling methods for organizational and management research
LJ Williams, JR Edwards, RJ Vandenberg
Journal of management 29 (6), 903-936, 2003
Interpersonal, job, and individual factors related to helping processes at work.
SE Anderson, LJ Williams
Journal of applied psychology 81 (3), 282, 1996
An alternative approach to method effects by using latent-variable models: Applications in organizational behavior research.
LJ Williams, SE Anderson
Journal of applied psychology 79 (3), 323, 1994
Modelling relationships between job stressors and injury and near-miss outcomes for construction labourers
L M. Goldenhar*, LJ Williams, N G. Swanson
Work & Stress 17 (3), 218-240, 2003
Measurement models for linking latent variables and indicators: A review of human resource management research using parcels
LJ Williams, EH O'Boyle Jr
Human Resource Management Review 18 (4), 233-242, 2008
Method variance in organizational behavior and human resources research: Effects on correlations, path coefficients, and hypothesis testing
LJ Williams, BK Brown
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 57 (2), 185-209, 1994
Parsimony‐based fit indices for multiple‐indicator models: Do they work?
LJ Williams, PJ Holahan
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (2), 161-189, 1994
Four research designs and a comprehensive analysis strategy for investigating common method variance with self-report measures using latent variables
LJ Williams, AK McGonagle
Journal of Business and Psychology 31, 339-359, 2016
Effects of organizational formalization on alienation among professionals and nonprofessionals
PM Podsakoff, LJ Williams, WD Todor
Academy of management journal 29 (4), 820-831, 1986
Common method bias: It's bad, it's complex, it's widespread, and it's not easy to fix
PM Podsakoff, NP Podsakoff, LJ Williams, C Huang, J Yang
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 11 (1 …, 2024
A comprehensive model and measure of compensation satisfaction
ML Williams, HH Brower, LR Ford, LJ Williams, SM Carraher
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 81 (4), 639-668, 2008
A new perspective on method variance: A measure-centric approach
PE Spector, CC Rosen, HA Richardson, LJ Williams, RE Johnson
Journal of management 45 (3), 855-880, 2019
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