Kaneko Nobuhiro
Kaneko Nobuhiro
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Global soil biodiversity atlas.
A Orgiazzi, RD Bardgett, E Barrios
Global distribution of earthworm diversity
HRP Phillips, CA Guerra, MLC Bartz, MJI Briones, G Brown, TW Crowther, ...
Science 366 (6464), 480-485, 2019
Mixed leaf litter effects on decomposition rates and soil microarthropod communities in an oak–pine stand in Japan
N Kaneko, E Salamanca
Ecological Research 14, 131-138, 1999
Effects of leaf litter mixtures on the decomposition of Quercus serrata and Pinus densiflora using field and laboratory microcosm methods
EF Salamanca, N Kaneko, S Katagiri
Ecological Engineering 10 (1), 53-73, 1998
Rainfall manipulation effects on litter decomposition and the microbial biomass of the forest floor
EF Salamanca, N Kaneko, S Katagiri
Applied Soil Ecology 22 (3), 271-281, 2003
Tillage and cover crop species affect soil organic carbon in Andosol, Kanto, Japan
T Higashi, M Yunghui, M Komatsuzaki, S Miura, T Hirata, H Araki, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 138, 64-72, 2014
Effect of no-tillage with weed cover mulching versus conventional tillage on global warming potential and nitrate leaching
A Yagioka, M Komatsuzaki, N Kaneko, H Ueno
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 200, 42-53, 2015
Priorities for research in soil ecology
N Eisenhauer, PM Antunes, AE Bennett, K Birkhofer, A Bissett, ...
Pedobiologia 63, 1-7, 2017
Collembolans feeding on soil affect carbon and nitrogen mineralization by their influence on microbial and nematode activities
S Kaneda, N Kaneko
Biology and Fertility of Soils 44, 435-442, 2008
Grazing preference of Onychiurus subtenuis (Collembola) and Oppiella nova (Oribatei) for fungal species inoculated on pine needles.
N Kaneko, MA McLean, D Parkinson
Feeding habits and cheliceral size of oribatid mites in cool temperate forest soils in Japan
N Kaneko
Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol (France) 25, 353-363, 1988
Soil nematode community structure affected by tillage systems and cover crop managements in organic soybean production
T Ito, M Araki, M Komatsuzaki, N Kaneko, H Ohta
Applied Soil Ecology 86, 137-147, 2015
Species-specific heavy metal accumulation patterns of earthworms on a floodplain in Japan
T Kamitani, N Kaneko
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 66 (1), 82-91, 2007
Analysis of the feeding ecology of earthworms (Megascolecidae) in Japanese forests using gut content fractionation and δ15N and δ13C stable isotope natural abundances
T Uchida, N Kaneko, MT Ito, K Futagami, T Sasaki, A Sugimoto
Applied Soil Ecology 27 (2), 153-163, 2004
Do mites and Collembola affect pine litter fungal biomass and microbial respiration?
N Kaneko, MA McLean, D Parkinson
Applied Soil Ecology 9 (1-3), 209-213, 1998
Responses of soil nematode community structure to soil carbon changes due to different tillage and cover crop management practices over a nine-year period in Kanto, Japan
T Ito, M Araki, T Higashi, M Komatsuzaki, N Kaneko, H Ohta
Applied Soil Ecology 89, 50-58, 2015
Two-year responses of earthworm abundance, soil aggregates, and soil carbon to no-tillage and fertilization
M Arai, T Miura, H Tsuzura, Y Minamiya, N Kaneko
Geoderma 332, 135-141, 2018
Biotic homogenization and differentiation of soil faunal communities in the production forest landscape: taxonomic and functional perspectives
AS Mori, AT Ota, S Fujii, T Seino, D Kabeya, T Okamoto, MT Ito, N Kaneko, ...
Oecologia 177, 533-544, 2015
No tillage and bagasse mulching alter fungal biomass and community structure during decomposition of sugarcane leaf litter in Lampung Province, Sumatra, Indonesia
T Miura, A Niswati, IG Swibawa, S Haryani, H Gunito, N Kaneko
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 58, 27-35, 2013
Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties
HRP Phillips, EM Bach, MLC Bartz, JM Bennett, R Beugnon, MJI Briones, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 136, 2021
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