Gravity anomalies and flexure of the lithosphere at mountain ranges GD Karner, AB Watts Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 88 (B12), 10449-10477, 1983 | 777 | 1983 |
Flexural uplift of rift flanks due to mechanical unloading of the lithosphere during extension JK Weissel, GD Karner Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 94 (B10), 13919-13950, 1989 | 585 | 1989 |
Lithospheric flexure and the evolution of sedimentary basins AB Watts, G Karner, MS Steckler Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1982 | 507 | 1982 |
On the evolution of marginal basins B Taylor, GD Karner Reviews of Geophysics 21 (8), 1727-1741, 1983 | 328 | 1983 |
Lower crustal extension across the Northern Carnarvon basin, Australia: Evidence for an eastward dipping detachment NW Driscoll, GD Karner Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B3), 4975-4991, 1998 | 314 | 1998 |
Digital images of combined oceanic and continental data sets and their use in tectonic studies WF Haxby, GD Karner, JL LaBrecque, JK Weissel Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 64 (52), 995-1004, 1983 | 265 | 1983 |
Tectonic and stratigraphic development of the West African and eastern Brazilian Margins: insights from quantitative basin modelling GD Karner, NW Driscoll Geological Society, London, Special Publications 153 (1), 11-40, 1999 | 263 | 1999 |
The opening of the Woodlark Basin, subduction of the Woodlark spreading system, and the evolution of northern Melanesia since mid-Pliocene time JK Weissel, B Taylor, GD Karner Tectonophysics 87 (1-4), 253-277, 1982 | 230 | 1982 |
Timing and origin of the South Atlantic pre-salt sag basins and their capping evaporites GD Karner, LAP Gambôa | 228 | 2007 |
Flexure of lithosphere beneath Apennine and Carpathian foredeep basins: evidence for an insufficient topographic load L Royden, GD Karner AAPG Bulletin 68 (6), 704-712, 1984 | 224 | 1984 |
On isostasy at Atlantic‐type continental margins GD Karner, AB Watts Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 87 (B4), 2923-2948, 1982 | 214 | 1982 |
Ice cover, landscape setting, and geological framework of Lake Vostok, East Antarctica M Studinger, RE Bell, GD Karner, AA Tikku, JW Holt, DL Morse, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 205 (3-4), 195-210, 2003 | 208 | 2003 |
Continental lithospheric thinning and breakup in response to upwelling divergent mantle flow: application to the Woodlark, Newfoundland and Iberia margins NJ Kusznir, GD Karner | 206 | 2007 |
The structure and evolution of the Wessex Basin, southern England: an example of inversion tectonics SD Lake, GD Karner Tectonophysics 137 (1-4), 347-378, 1987 | 187 | 1987 |
Sub-ice geology inland of the Transantarctic Mountains in light of new aerogeophysical data M Studinger, RE Bell, WR Buck, GD Karner, DD Blankenship Earth and Planetary Science Letters 220 (3-4), 391-408, 2004 | 161 | 2004 |
Long-term thermo-mechanical properties of the continental lithosphere GD Karner, MS Steckler, JA Thorne Nature 304 (5923), 250-253, 1983 | 157 | 1983 |
Tectonic significance of syn-rift sediment packages across the Gabon-Cabinda continental margin GD Karner, NW Driscoll, JP McGinnis, WD Brumbaugh, NR Cameron Marine and Petroleum Geology 14 (7-8), 973-1000, 1997 | 155 | 1997 |
Timing and magnitude of Miocene eustasy derived from the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate stratigraphic record of the northeastern Australian margin CM John, GD Karner, E Browning, RM Leckie, Z Mateo, B Carson, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 304 (3-4), 455-467, 2011 | 154 | 2011 |
Role of salt in restraining the maturation of subsalt source rocks UT Mello, GD Karner, RN Anderson Marine and Petroleum Geology 12 (7), 697-716, 1995 | 153 | 1995 |
Three-dimensional quantitative modeling of clinoform development NW Driscoll, GD Karner Marine Geology 154 (1-4), 383-398, 1999 | 149 | 1999 |