Jose Rubens Maiorino
Jose Rubens Maiorino
Professor do Centro de Engenharia, Simulação e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas(CECS) da Universidade Federal do ABC
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ufabc.edu.br
Sustainability deterioration of electricity generation in Brazil
JML Moreira, MA Cesaretti, P Carajilescov, JR Maiorino
Energy Policy 87, 334-346, 2015
The use of the itFN method for radiative transfer problems with reflective boundary conditions
CE Siewert, JR Maiorino, MN Özişik
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 23 (6), 565-573, 1980
The utilization of thorium in small modular reactors–Part I: Neutronic assessment
R Akbari-Jeyhouni, DR Ochbelagh, JR Maiorino, F D'Auria, GL de Stefani
Annals of Nuclear Energy 120, 422-430, 2018
Feasibility to convert an advanced PWR from UO2 to a mixed U/ThO2 core–Part I: Parametric studies
JR Maiorino, GL Stefani, JML Moreira, PCR Rossi, TA Santos
Annals of Nuclear Energy 102, 47-55, 2017
Spallation physics and the ADS target design
ST Mongelli, JR Maiorino, S Anéfalos, A Deppman, T Carluccio
Brazilian Journal of Physics 35, 894-897, 2005
The utilization of accelerators in subcritical systems for energy generation and nuclear waste transmutation: the world status and a proposal of a national R&D program
JR Maiorino, A Santos, SA Pereira
Brazilian Journal of Physics 33, 267-272, 2003
Analytical benchmarks for the kinetics of accelerator-driven systems
S Dulla, P Ravetto, P Picca, D Tomatis, JR Maiorino, T Carluccio, ...
Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics & Computation and …, 2007
A Review of Thorium Utilization as an option for Advanced Fuel Cycle--Potential Option for Brazil in the Future
JR Maiorino, T Carluccio
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, PO Box 11049, Pinheiros …, 2004
A new management tool and mathematical model for decommissioning cost estimation of multiple reactors site
DB Monteiro, JML Moreira, JR Maiorino
Progress in Nuclear Energy 114, 61-83, 2019
Small modular reactor full scope core optimization using Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm
R Akbari, DR Ochbelagh, A Gharib, JR Maiorino, F D'Auria
Progress in Nuclear Energy 122, 103271, 2020
Detailed neutronic calculations of the AP1000 reactor core with the Serpent code
GL de Stefani, JML Moreira, JR Maiorino, PCR Rossi
Progress in Nuclear Energy 116, 95-107, 2019
The AP‐Th 1000–an advanced concept to use MOX of thorium in a closed fuel cycle
GL de Stefani, JR Maiorino, JM de Losada Moreira
International Journal of Energy Research 45 (8), 11642-11655, 2021
On the numerical characteristics of an inverse solution for three-term radiative transfer
WL Dunn, JR Maiorino
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 24 (3), 203-209, 1980
An overview of thorium utilization in nuclear reactors and fuel cycle
JR Maiorino, F D’Auria, R Akbari-Jeyhouni
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear …, 2018
The utilization of crisp code in hybrid reactor studies
S Anefalos, A Deppman, G Silva, JR Maiorino, A Santos, SB Duarte, ...
Brazilian Journal of Physics 35, 912-914, 2005
Neutron energy spectrum measurements of neutron sources with an NE-213 spectrometer
PRP Coelho, AA Da Silva, JR Maiorino
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1989
A point source in a finite sphere
CE Siewert, JR Maiorino
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 22 (5), 435-439, 1979
Thorium as a new primary source of nuclear energy
JR Maiorino, JML Moreira, SG Laranjo, A Busse, T Santos
IX Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético (CBPE), SBPE …, 2014
Spallation product distributions and neutron multiplicities for accelerator-driven system using the CRISP code
SA Pereira, A Deppman, G Silva, JR Maiorino, A Santos, SB Duarte, ...
Nuclear science and engineering 159 (1), 102-105, 2008
Neutronic and thermal-hydraulic calculations for the AP-1000 NPP with the MCNP6 and SERPENT codes
GL Stefani, JR Maiorino, TA Santos, PR Rossi
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