Teaching and researching reading in L2 W Grabe, F Stoller Harlow, UK: Pearson Longman, 2002 | 6124* | 2002 |
Reading in a second language: Moving from theory to practice W Grabe Cambridge university press, 2008 | 5414 | 2008 |
Theory and practice of writing: An applied linguistic perspective W Grabe, RB Kaplan Routledge, 2014 | 3519 | 2014 |
Current developments in second language reading research W Grabe TESOL quarterly 25 (3), 375-406, 1991 | 2903 | 1991 |
The percentage of words known in a text and reading comprehension N Schmitt, X Jiang, W Grabe The modern language journal 95 (1), 26-43, 2011 | 1245 | 2011 |
Content-based instruction: Research foundations W Grabe, FL Stoller The content-based classroom: Perspectives on integrating language and …, 1997 | 837 | 1997 |
3. Research on teaching reading W Grabe Annual review of applied linguistics 24, 44-69, 2004 | 743 | 2004 |
Reading for academic purposes: Guidelines for the ESL/EFL teacher W Grabe, FL Stoller Teaching English as a second or foreign language 3, 187-203, 2001 | 581 | 2001 |
Reassessing the term “interactive” W Grabe Interactive approaches to second language reading 6, 56-70, 1988 | 536 | 1988 |
Reading and vocabulary development in a second language: A case study W Grabe, F Stoller Second language vocabulary acquisition, 98-122, 1997 | 474 | 1997 |
15 Interactive models for second language reading: perspectives on instruction DE Eskey, W Grabe Interactive approaches to second language reading 223, 1988 | 433 | 1988 |
A six-T’s approach to content-based instruction FL Stoller, W Grabe The content-based classroom: Perspectives on integrating language and …, 1997 | 404 | 1997 |
Graphic organizers in reading instruction: Research findings and issues X Jiang, W Grabe University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center, 2007 | 370 | 2007 |
Reading and writing relations: Second language perspectives on research and practice W Grabe Exploring the dynamics of second language writing 242, 242-262, 2003 | 340 | 2003 |
Reading-writing relations: Theoretical perspectives and instructional practices W Grabe Linking literacies: Perspectives on L2 reading-writing connections/The …, 2001 | 332 | 2001 |
Fluency in reading—Thirty-five years later W Grabe University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center, 2010 | 324 | 2010 |
Notes toward a theory of second language writing W Grabe On second language writing, 39-57, 2012 | 314 | 2012 |
Reading and writing together: A critical component of English for academic purposes teaching and learning W Grabe, C Zhang Tesol Journal 4 (1), 9-24, 2013 | 291 | 2013 |
Implications for L2 vocabulary acquisition and instruction from L1 vocabulary research F Stoller, W Grabe Second language reading and vocabulary learning, 24-45, 1993 | 289 | 1993 |
Writing in a second language: Contrastive rhetoric W Grabe, RB Kaplan Richness in writing: Empowering ESL students, 263-283, 1989 | 287 | 1989 |