Jonathan Ajo-Franklin
Jonathan Ajo-Franklin
Professor (Geophysics), Rice University, Dept. of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science (EEPS)
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Field testing of fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) for subsurface seismic monitoring
TM Daley, BM Freifeld, J Ajo-Franklin, S Dou, R Pevzner, V Shulakova, ...
The Leading Edge 32 (6), 699-706, 2013
Illuminating seafloor faults and ocean dynamics with dark fiber distributed acoustic sensing
NJ Lindsey, TC Dawe, JB Ajo-Franklin
Science 366 (6469), 1103-1107, 2019
Distributed acoustic sensing for seismic monitoring of the near surface: A traffic-noise interferometry case study
S Dou, N Lindsey, AM Wagner, TM Daley, B Freifeld, M Robertson, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 11620, 2017
Distributed acoustic sensing using dark fiber for near-surface characterization and broadband seismic event detection
JB Ajo-Franklin, S Dou, NJ Lindsey, I Monga, C Tracy, M Robertson, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1328, 2019
Fiber‐optic network observations of earthquake wavefields
NJ Lindsey, ER Martin, DS Dreger, B Freifeld, S Cole, SR James, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (23), 11,792-11,799, 2017
On the broadband instrument response of fiber‐optic DAS arrays
NJ Lindsey, H Rademacher, JB Ajo‐Franklin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (2), e2019JB018145, 2020
Pore-scale controls on calcite dissolution rates from flow-through laboratory and numerical experiments
S Molins, D Trebotich, L Yang, JB Ajo-Franklin, TJ Ligocki, C Shen, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (13), 7453-7460, 2014
Evaluation of mineral reactive surface area estimates for prediction of reactivity of a multi-mineral sediment
LE Beckingham, EH Mitnick, CI Steefel, S Zhang, M Voltolini, AM Swift, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 188, 310-329, 2016
From fluid flow to coupled processes in fractured rock: Recent advances and new frontiers
HS Viswanathan, J Ajo‐Franklin, JT Birkholzer, JW Carey, Y Guglielmi, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 60 (1), e2021RG000744, 2022
High-resolution characterization of a CO2 plume using crosswell seismic tomography: Cranfield, MS, USA
JB Ajo-Franklin, J Peterson, J Doetsch, TM Daley
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 18, 497-509, 2013
Continuous active-source seismic monitoring of CO 2 injection in a brine aquifer
TM Daley, RD Solbau, JB Ajo-Franklin, SM Benson
Geophysics 72 (5), A57-A61, 2007
Upscaling calcium carbonate precipitation rates from pore to continuum scale
C Noiriel, CI Steefel, L Yang, J Ajo-Franklin
Chemical Geology 318, 60-74, 2012
The potential of DAS in teleseismic studies: Insights from the Goldstone experiment
C Yu, Z Zhan, NJ Lindsey, JB Ajo‐Franklin, M Robertson
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (3), 1320-1328, 2019
Measurement of accessible reactive surface area in a sandstone, with application to CO2 mineralization
G Landrot, JB Ajo-Franklin, L Yang, S Cabrini, CI Steefel
Chemical Geology 318, 113-125, 2012
Monitoring a large volume CO2 injection: Year two results from SECARB project at Denbury’s Cranfield, Mississippi, USA
SD Hovorka, TA Meckel, RH Trevino, J Lu, JP Nicot, JW Choi, D Freeman, ...
Energy Procedia 4, 3478-3485, 2011
Applying compactness constraints to differential traveltime tomography
JB Ajo-Franklin, BJ Minsley, TM Daley
Geophysics 72 (4), R67-R75, 2007
Utilizing distributed acoustic sensing and ocean bottom fiber optic cables for submarine structural characterization
F Cheng, B Chi, NJ Lindsey, TC Dawe, JB Ajo-Franklin
Scientific reports 11 (1), 5613, 2021
A 2.5 D reactive transport model for fracture alteration simulation
H Deng, S Molins, C Steefel, D DePaolo, M Voltolini, L Yang, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (14), 7564-7571, 2016
Pore-scale capillary pressure analysis using multi-scale X-ray micromotography
C Garing, JA de Chalendar, M Voltolini, JB Ajo-Franklin, SM Benson
Advances in Water Resources 104, 223-241, 2017
Clay, water, and salt: controls on the permeability of fine-grained sedimentary rocks
IC Bourg, JB Ajo-Franklin
Accounts of chemical research 50 (9), 2067-2074, 2017
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