Daniele D'Agostino
An accreting pulsar with extreme properties drives an ultraluminous x-ray source in NGC 5907
GL Israel, A Belfiore, L Stella, P Esposito, P Casella, A De Luca, M Marelli, ...
Science 355 (6327), 817-819, 2017
Managing, analysing, and integrating big data in medical bioinformatics: open problems and future perspectives
I Merelli, H Pérez-Sánchez, S Gesing, D D’Agostino
BioMed research international 2014 (1), 134023, 2014
Discovery of a 2.8 s pulsar in a 2 day orbit high-mass X-ray binary powering the ultraluminous X-ray source ULX-7 in M51
GAR Castillo, GL Israel, A Belfiore, F Bernardini, P Esposito, F Pintore, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 895 (1), 60, 2020
Hydrometeorological multi-model ensemble simulations of the 4 November 2011 flash flood event in Genoa, Italy, in the framework of the DRIHM project
A Hally, O Caumont, L Garrote, E Richard, A Weerts, F Delogu, E Fiori, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (3), 537-555, 2015
Hybrid clouds brokering: business opportunities, QoS and energy-saving issues
A Quarati, A Clematis, A Galizia, D D’Agostino
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 39, 121-134, 2013
Combining edge and cloud computing for low-power, cost-effective metagenomics analysis
D D’Agostino, L Morganti, E Corni, D Cesini, I Merelli
Future Generation Computer Systems 90, 79-85, 2019
Cloud Infrastructures for In Silico Drug Discovery: Economic and Practical Aspects
D D′ Agostino, A Clematis, A Quarati, D Cesini, F Chiappori, L Milanesi, ...
BioMed research international 2013 (1), 138012, 2013
Delivering cloud services with QoS requirements: Business opportunities, architectural solutions and energy-saving aspects
A Quarati, A Clematis, D D’Agostino
Future Generation Computer Systems 55, 403-427, 2016
Low-power portable devices for metagenomics analysis: Fog computing makes bioinformatics ready for the Internet of Things
I Merelli, L Morganti, E Corni, C Pellegrino, D Cesini, L Roverelli, G Zereik, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 88, 467-478, 2018
An MPI–CUDA library for image processing on HPC architectures
A Galizia, D D’Agostino, A Clematis
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 273, 414-427, 2015
Job–resource matchmaking on Grid through two-level benchmarking
A Clematis, A Corana, D D’Agostino, A Galizia, A Quarati
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (8), 1165-1179, 2010
The EXTraS project: Exploring the X-ray transient and variable sky
A De Luca, R Salvaterra, A Belfiore, S Carpano, D D’Agostino, F Haberl, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 650, A167, 2021
Image-based surface matching algorithm oriented to structural biology
I Merelli, P Cozzi, D D'Agostino, A Clematis, L Milanesi
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 8 (4 …, 2010
EXTraS discovery of an 1.2-s X-ray pulsar in M 31
P Esposito, GL Israel, A Belfiore, G Novara, L Sidoli, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 457 (1), L5-L9, 2016
Hardware and Software Solutions for Energy‐Efficient Computing in Scientific Programming
D D’Agostino, I Merelli, M Aldinucci, D Cesini
Scientific Programming 2021 (1), 5514284, 2021
A QoS-aware broker for hybrid clouds
D D’Agostino, A Galizia, A Clematis, M Mangini, I Porro, A Quarati
Computing 95, 89-109, 2013
Advances in distributed computing with modern drug discovery
AJ Banegas-Luna, B Imbernon, A Llanes Castro, A Perez-Garrido, ...
Expert opinion on drug discovery 14 (1), 9-22, 2019
Science with the extras project: Exploring the x-ray transient and variable sky
A De Luca, R Salvaterra, A Tiengo, D D’Agostino, MG Watson, F Haberl, ...
The Universe of Digital Sky Surveys: A Meeting to Honour the 70th Birthday …, 2016
The DRIHM project: a flexible approach to integrate HPC, grid and cloud resources for hydro-meteorological research
D Dágostino, A Clematis, A Galizia, A Quarati, E Danovaro, L Roverelli, ...
SC'14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2014
Scheduling strategies for enabling meteorological simulation on hybrid clouds
A Quarati, E Danovaro, A Galizia, A Clematis, D D’Agostino, A Parodi
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 273, 438-451, 2015
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