Shehzad Ashraf Chaudhry
Sixth generation (6G) wireless networks: Vision, research activities, challenges and potential solutions
MH Alsharif, AH Kelechi, MA Albreem, SA Chaudhry, MS Zia, S Kim
Symmetry 12 (4), 676, 2020
An elliptic curve cryptography based lightweight authentication scheme for smart grid communication
K Mahmood, SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, S Kumari, X Li, AK Sangaiah
Future Generation Computer Systems 81, 557-565, 2018
A lightweight message authentication scheme for smart grid communications in power sector
K Mahmood, SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, T Shon, HF Ahmad
Computers & Electrical Engineering 52, 114-124, 2016
Securing smart city surveillance: A lightweight authentication mechanism for unmanned vehicles
Z Ali, SA Chaudhry, MS Ramzan, F Al-Turjman
IEEE Access 8, 43711-43724, 2020
Efficient end-to-end authentication protocol for wearable health monitoring systems
Q Jiang, J Ma, C Yang, X Ma, J Shen, SA Chaudhry
Computers & Electrical Engineering 63, 182-195, 2017
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of an Improved Two Factor Authentication Protocol for Telecare Medical Information Systems
SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, T Shon, M Sher, MS Farash
Journal of medical systems 39 (6), 66, 2015
Machine learning algorithms for smart data analysis in internet of things environment: taxonomies and research trends
MH Alsharif, AH Kelechi, K Yahya, SA Chaudhry
Symmetry 12 (1), 88, 2020
An improved and provably secure privacy preserving authentication protocol for SIP
SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, M Sher, MS Farash, MU Hassan
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 10, 1-15, 2017
A secure and efficient authenticated encryption for electronic payment systems using elliptic curve cryptography
SA Chaudhry, MS Farash, H Naqvi, M Sher
Electronic Commerce Research 16, 113-139, 2016
Security and key management in IoT‐based wireless sensor networks: An authentication protocol using symmetric key
A Ghani, K Mansoor, S Mehmood, SA Chaudhry, AU Rahman, ...
International Journal of Communication Systems 32 (16), e4139, 2019
Amassing the security: An ECC-based authentication scheme for Internet of Drones
S Hussain, SA Chaudhry, OA Alomari, MH Alsharif, MK Khan, N Kumar
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (3), 4431-4438, 2021
A secure and reliable device access control scheme for IoT based sensor cloud systems
SA Chaudhry, K Yahya, F Al-Turjman, MH Yang
Ieee Access 8, 139244-139254, 2020
A provably secure and efficient authenticated key agreement scheme for energy internet-based vehicle-to-grid technology framework
A Irshad, M Usman, SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, M Shafiq
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (4), 4425-4435, 2020
Securing IoT-based RFID systems: A robust authentication protocol using symmetric cryptography
K Mansoor, A Ghani, SA Chaudhry, S Shamshirband, SAK Ghayyur, ...
Sensors 19 (21), 4752, 2019
Pairing based anonymous and secure key agreement protocol for smart grid edge computing infrastructure
K Mahmood, X Li, SA Chaudhry, H Naqvi, S Kumari, AK Sangaiah, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 88, 491-500, 2018
A robust authentication and access control protocol for securing wireless healthcare sensor networks
Z Ali, A Ghani, I Khan, SA Chaudhry, SKH Islam, D Giri
Journal of Information Security and Applications 52, 102502, 2020
An enhanced privacy preserving remote user authentication scheme with provable security
SA Chaudhry, MS Farash, H Naqvi, S Kumari, MK Khan
Security and Communication Networks 8 (18), 3782-3795, 2015
Correcting design flaws: An improved and cloud assisted key agreement scheme in cyber physical systems
SA Chaudhry, T Shon, F Al-Turjman, MH Alsharif
Computer Communications 153, 527-537, 2020
An improved smart card based authentication scheme for session initiation protocol
S Kumari, SA Chaudhry, F Wu, X Li, MS Farash, MK Khan
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 10, 92-105, 2017
A lightweight anonymous authentication scheme for consumer roaming in ubiquitous networks with provable security
MS Farash, SA Chaudhry, M Heydari, SM Sajad Sadough, S Kumari, ...
International Journal of Communication Systems 30 (4), e3019, 2017
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