Harold L. Bergman
Harold L. Bergman
Professor of Zoology and Physiology Emeritus, University of Wyoming
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Biotic ligand model of the acute toxicity of metals. 1. Technical basis
DM Di Toro, HE Allen, HL Bergman, JS Meyer, PR Paquin, RC Santore
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20 (10), 2383-2396, 2001
Urea excretion as a strategy for survival in a fish living in a very alkaline environment
DJ Randall, CM Wood, SF Perry, HL Bergman, GMO Maloiy, ...
Nature 337 (6203), 165-166, 1989
Bioavailability: physical, chemical, and biological interactions
J Hamelink, PF Landrum, H Bergman, WH Benson
CRC press, 2024
Binding of nickel and copper to fish gills predicts toxicity when water hardness varies, but free-ion activity does not
JS Meyer, RC Santore, JP Bobbitt, LD Debrey, CJ Boese, PR Paquin, ...
Environmental science & technology 33 (6), 913-916, 1999
Physiological changes and tissue metal accumulation in rainbow trout exposed to foodborne and waterborne metals
AM Farag, CJ Boese, HL Bergman, DF Woodward
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13 (12), 2021-2029, 1994
Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to copper: Neurophysiological and histological effects on the …
JA Hansen, JD Rose, RA Jenkins, KG Gerow, HL Bergman
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 18 (9), 1979-1991, 1999
Ammonia and urea dynamics in the Lake Magadi tilapia, a ureotelic teleost fish adapted to an extremely alkaline environment
CM Wood, SF Perry, PA Wright, HL Bergman, DJ Randall
Respiration Physiology 77 (1), 1-20, 1989
Copper binding affinity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) gills: Implications for assessing bioavailable metal
RK MacRae, DE Smith, N Swoboda‐Colberg, JS Meyer, HL Bergman
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18 (6), 1180-1189, 1999
Metals-contaminated benthic invertebrates in the Clark Fork River Montana: effects on age-0 brown trout and rainbow trout
DF Woodward, AM Farag, HL Bergman, AJ DeLonay, EE Little, CE Smiths, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52 (9), 1994-2004, 1995
Relationship between copper exposure duration, tissue copper concentration, and rainbow trout growth
JCA Marr, J Lipton, D Cacela, JA Hansen, HL Bergman, JS Meyer, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 36 (1-2), 17-30, 1996
Differences in neurobehavioral responses of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to copper and …
JA Hansen, JCA Marr, J Lipton, D Cacela, HL Bergman
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18 (9), 1972-1978, 1999
The physiological impairment of free-ranging brown trout exposed to metals in the Clark Fork River, Montana
AM Farag, MA Stansbury, HL Bergman, C Hogstrand, E MacConnell
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52 (9), 2038-2050, 1995
Uptake of methyl mercuric chloride and mercuric chloride by trout: a study of uptake pathways into the whole animal and uptake by erythrocytes in vitro
KR Olson, HL Bergman, PO Fromm
Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada 30 (9), 1293-1299, 1973
Accumulation of hsp70 in juvenile and adult rainbow trout gill exposed to metal‐contaminated water and/or diet
JH Williams, NS Petersen, PA Young, MA Stansbury, AM Farag, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 15 (8 …, 1996
Structural changes in gills of Lost River suckers exposed to elevated pH and ammonia concentrations
HM Lease, JA Hansen, HL Bergman, JS Meyer
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2003
Responses of an Amazonian Teleost, the Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), to Low pH in Extremely Soft Water
AL Val, CM Wood, RW Wilson, RJ Gonzalez, ML Patrick, HL Bergman, ...
Physiological zoology 71 (6), 658-670, 1998
Toxicity of cobalt and copper to rainbow trout: application of a mechanistic model for predicting survival
JCA Marr, JA Hansen, JS Meyer, D Cacela, T Podrabsky, J Lipton, ...
Aquatic toxicology 43 (4), 225-238, 1998
Effects of water pH and calcium concentration on ion balance in fish of the Rio Negro, Amazon
AL Val, RJ Gonzalez, CM Wood, RW Wilson, ML Patrick, HL Bergman, ...
Physiological Zoology 71 (1), 15-22, 1998
Nature and time course of acclimation to aluminum in juvenile brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). II. Gill histology
ME Mueller, DA Sanchez, HL Bergman, DG McDonald, RG Rhem, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48 (10), 2016-2027, 1991
Behavioral avoidance: Possible mechanism for explaining abundanc and distribution of trout species in a metal‐impacted river
JA Hansen, DF Woodward, EE Little, AJ DeLonay, HL Bergman
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18 (2), 313-317, 1999
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