Against postmodernism: A Marxist critique A Callinicos | 1945 | 1990 |
Making history: Agency, structure, and change in social theory A Callinicos Brill, 2004 | 933 | 2004 |
Imperialism and global political economy A Callinicos Polity, 2009 | 769 | 2009 |
Social theory: A historical introduction A Callinicos | 687 | 1999 |
Against the third way; an anti-capitalist critique A Callinicos Polity, Cambridge, 2001 | 670 | 2001 |
An anti-capitalist manifesto A Callinicos Polity, Cambridge, 2003 | 594 | 2003 |
Theories and narratives: Reflections on the philosophy of history A Callinicos Duke University Press, 1995 | 513 | 1995 |
Althusser's marxism A Callinicos | 393 | 1976 |
The resources of critique A Callinicos Polity, 2006 | 392 | 2006 |
Bonfire of illusions: The twin crises of the liberal world A Callinicos Polity, 2010 | 369 | 2010 |
The revolutionary ideas of Karl Marx A Callinicos Haymarket Books, 2011 | 363 | 2011 |
The revenge of history: Marxism and the East European revolutions A Callinicos | 350 | 1991 |
Does capitalism need the state system? A Callinicos Cambridge review of international affairs 20 (4), 533-549, 2007 | 308 | 2007 |
Anthony Giddens: A contemporary critique A Callinicos Theory and Society 14 (2), 133-166, 1985 | 292 | 1985 |
Marxism and philosophy A Callinicos | 284 | 1983 |
Is there a future for Marxism? A Callinicos Springer, 1982 | 242 | 1982 |
Debating empire G Balakrishnan, A Callinicos, C Tilly, EM Wood, G Arrighi, L Panitch, ... Verso, 2020 | 235 | 2020 |
Equality A Callinicos Blackwell Publishing, 2000 | 220 | 2000 |
The new Mandarins of American power: the Bush administration's plans for the world A Callinicos Polity, Cambridge, 2003 | 206 | 2003 |
Toplum kuramı: Tarihsel bir bakış A Callinicos, Y Tezgiden İletişim, 2004 | 200* | 2004 |