Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Martín VarelaVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 4
A layered model for quality estimation of HTTP video from QoS measurements
T Mäki, M Varela, D Ammar
2015 11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2015
Zahteve: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
QuoTe an extensible platform for QoE monitoring and benchmarking of telemedicine applications
M Varela, T Mäki, J Merilahti, ER Rodríguez, A Runge
2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications …, 2014
Zahteve: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
QoE-driven admission control for video streams
D Ammar, M Varela
2015 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and …, 2015
Zahteve: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Quality of experience estimators in networks
F Guyard, M Varela, L Skorin‐Kapov, A Cuadra‐Sanchez, ...
Quality of Experience Engineering for Customer Added Value Services: From …, 2014
Zahteve: Government of Spain
Na voljo nekje: 13
QoE beyond the MOS: an in-depth look at QoE via better metrics and their relation to MOS
T Hoßfeld, PE Heegaard, M Varela, S Möller
Quality and User Experience 1, 1-23, 2016
Zahteve: German Research Foundation, Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
A survey of emerging concepts and challenges for QoE management of multimedia services
L Skorin-Kapov, M Varela, T Hoßfeld, KT Chen
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2018
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Definition of QoE fairness in shared systems
T Hoßfeld, L Skorin-Kapov, PE Heegaard, M Varela
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (1), 184-187, 2016
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
From service level agreements (SLA) to experience level agreements (ELA): The challenges of selling QoE to the user
M Varela, P Zwickl, P Reichl, M Xie, H Schulzrinne
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW), 1741-1746, 2015
Zahteve: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
A new QoE fairness index for QoE management
T Hoßfeld, L Skorin-Kapov, PE Heegaard, M Varela
Quality and User Experience 3, 1-23, 2018
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
QoE beyond the MOS: Added value using quantiles and distributions
T Hoßfeld, PE Heegaard, M Varela
2015 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2015
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Youslow: What influences user abandonment behavior for internet video?
H Nam, H Schulzrinne, H Nam, KH Kim, H Schulzrinne, M Varela, H Nam, ...
Columbia University Rcp, 2016
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation
On additive and multiplicative QoS-QoE models for multiple QoS parameters
T Hossfelt, L Skorin-Kapov, PE Heegaard, M Varela, KT Chen
Proceedings of the 5th ISCA/DEGA Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems …, 2016
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Pinpointing anomaly events in logs from stability testing–n-grams vs. deep-learning
M Mäntylä, M Varela, S Hashemi
2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2022
Zahteve: Academy of Finland
Deriving QoE in systems: from fundamental relationships to a QoE-based Service-level Quality Index
T Hoßfeld, PE Heegaard, L Skorin-Kapov, M Varela
Quality and User Experience 5 (1), 7, 2020
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Meta-modeling qoe
M Varela, L Skorin-Kapov, F Guyard, M Fiedler
PIK-Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 37 (4), 265-274, 2014
Zahteve: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Observations on emerging aspects in QoE modeling and their impact on QoE management
T HoBfeld, M Varela, PE Heegaard, L Skorin-Kapov
2018 Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2018
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Network quality differentiation: regional effects, market entrance, and empirical testability
T Mäki, P Zwickl, M Varela
2016 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 476-484, 2016
Zahteve: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
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