Gary McMahan
Gary McMahan
University of Texas Arlington
Ni potrjenega e-poštnega naslova
Theoretical perspectives for strategic human resource management
PM Wright, GC McMahan
Journal of management 18 (2), 295-320, 1992
Human resources and sustained competitive advantage: a resource-based perspective
PM Wright, GC McMahan, A McWilliams
International journal of human resource management 5 (2), 301-326, 1994
Exploring human capital: putting ‘human’back into strategic human resource management
PM Wright, GC McMahan
Human resource management journal 21 (2), 93-104, 2011
Measurement error in research on human resources and firm performance: how much error is there and how does it influence effect size estimates?
B Gerhart, PM Wright, GC MC MAHAN, SA Snell
Personnel psychology 53 (4), 803-834, 2000
Matches between human resources and strategy among NCAA basketball teams
PM Wright, DL Smart, GC McMahan
Academy of Management journal 38 (4), 1052-1074, 1995
Comparing line and HR executives' perceptions of HR effectiveness: Services, roles, and contributions
PM Wright, GC McMahan, SA Snell, B Gerhart
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2001
Strategy, core competence, and HR involvement as determinants of HR effectiveness and refinery performance
PM Wright, GC McMahan, B McCormick, WS Sherman
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 1998
The role of human resource practices in petro-chemical refinery performance
PM Wright, B McCormick, WS Sherman, GC McMahan
International Journal of Human Resource Management 10 (4), 551-571, 1999
Alternative theoretical perspectives for strategic human resource management revisited: Progress, problems, and prospects
GC McMahan, M Virick, PM Wright
Research in personnel and human resources management 4 (99), 122-132, 1999
Measurement error in research on the human resources and firm performance relationship: Further evidence and analysis
B Gerhart, PM Wright, GC McMahan
Personnel Psychology 53 (4), 855-872, 2000
Productivity and extra-role behavior: The effects of goals and incentives on spontaneous helping.
PM Wright, JM George, SR Farnsworth, GC McMahan
Journal of Applied psychology 78 (3), 374, 1993
Strategic human resource management: Employee involvement, diversity, and international issues
GC McMahan, MP Bell, M Virick
Human Resource Management Review 8 (3), 193-214, 1998
P= f (MXA): Cognitive ability as a moderator of the relationship between personality and job performance
PM Wright, KM Kacmar, GC McMahan, K Deleeuw
Journal of Management 21 (6), 1129-1139, 1995
Fairness in human resource management, social exchange relationships, and citizenship behavior: Testing linkages of the target similarity model among nurses in the United States
JJ Lavelle, GC McMahan, CM Harris
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 20 (12), 2419-2434, 2009
Training motivation in organizations: An analysis of individual-level antecedents
DS Carlson, DP Bozeman, KM Kacmar, PM Wright, GC McMahan
Journal of Managerial Issues, 271-287, 2000
McWilliams (1994)
PM Wright, GC McMahan
Human resources and sustained competitive advantage: a resource-based …, 1996
Motivation through job design
RW Griffin, GC McMahan
Organizational behavior, 33-54, 2013
Talent and time together: The impact of human capital and overlapping tenure on unit performance
CM Harris, GC McMahan, PM Wright
Personnel Review 41 (4), 408-427, 2012
Strategic human resource management: Building human capital and organizational capability
PM Wright, G McMahan, SA Snell, B Gerhart
Technical report. Cornell University., 1997
Advancement along a career path: The influence of human capital and performance
CM Harris, MW Pattie, GC Mcmahan
Human Resource Management Journal 25 (1), 102-115, 2015
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