Elisabetta Carlini
Elisabetta Carlini
Ricercatrice di Analisi Numerica, Dip. Matematica, Sapienza
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na mat.uniroma1.it
A fully discrete semi-Lagrangian scheme for a first order mean field game problem
E Carlini, FJ Silva
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 52 (1), 45-67, 2014
A weighted essentially nonoscillatory, large time-step scheme for Hamilton--Jacobi equations
E Carlini, R Ferretti, G Russo
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (3), 1071-1091, 2005
An efficient algorithm for Hamilton–Jacobi equations in high dimension
E Carlini, M Falcone, R Ferretti
Computing and Visualization in Science 7, 15-29, 2004
A semi-Lagrangian scheme for a degenerate second order mean field game system
E Carlini, FJS Álvarez
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.5932, 2014
Convergence of a generalized fast-marching method for an eikonal equation with a velocity-changing sign
E Carlini, M Falcone, N Forcadel, R Monneau
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (6), 2920-2952, 2008
On the Discretization of Some Nonlinear Fokker--Planck--Kolmogorov Equations and Applications
E Carlini, FJ Silva
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 56 (4), 2148-2177, 2018
A convergent scheme for a non local Hamilton Jacobi equation modelling dislocation dynamics
O Alvarez, E Carlini, R Monneau, E Rouy
Numerische Mathematik 104 (4), 413-444, 2006
A semi-Lagrangian scheme for a modified version of the Hughes’ model for pedestrian flow
E Carlini, A Festa, FJ Silva, MT Wolfram
Dynamic Games and Applications 7, 683-705, 2017
Convergence of a first order scheme for a non-local eikonal equation
O Alvarez, E Carlini, R Monneau, E Rouy
Applied numerical mathematics 56 (9), 1136-1146, 2006
Convergence of a large time-step scheme for mean curvature motion
E Carlini, M Falcone, R Ferretti
Interfaces and free boundaries 12 (4), 409-441, 2011
A model problem for mean field games on networks
F Camilli, E Carlini, C Marchi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.2467, 2014
A time—adaptive semi—Lagrangian approximation to mean curvature motion
E Carlini, M Falcone, R Ferretti
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005 …, 2006
A generalized fast marching method for dislocation dynamics
E Carlini, N Forcadel, R Monneau
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 49 (6), 2470-2500, 2011
Second order fully semi-Lagrangian discretizations of advection-diffusion-reaction systems
L Bonaventura, E Calzola, E Carlini, R Ferretti
Journal of Scientific Computing 88 (1), 23, 2021
Semi-Lagrangian schemes for mean field game models
E Carlini, FJ Silva
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3115-3120, 2013
A Semi-Lagrangian scheme for the Fokker-Planck equation
E Carlini, FJ Silva
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (8), 272-277, 2016
A semi-Lagrangian scheme for the curve shortening flow in codimension-2
E Carlini, M Falcone, R Ferretti
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (2), 1388-1408, 2007
Dislocation dynamics described by non-local Hamilton–Jacobi equations
O Alvarez, E Carlini, P Hoch, Y Le Bouar, R Monneau
Materials Science and Engineering: A 400, 162-165, 2005
A semi-Lagrangian scheme with radial basis approximation for surface reconstruction
E Carlini, R Ferretti
Computing and Visualization in Science 18 (2), 103-112, 2017
A semi-Lagrangian approximation for the AMSS model of image processing
E Carlini, R Ferretti
Applied Numerical Mathematics 73, 16-32, 2013
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