Jason Halloran
Explicit finite element modeling of total knee replacement mechanics
JP Halloran, AJ Petrella, PJ Rullkoetter
Journal of biomechanics 38 (2), 323-331, 2005
Considerations for reporting finite element analysis studies in biomechanics
A Erdemir, TM Guess, J Halloran, SC Tadepalli, TM Morrison
Journal of biomechanics 45 (4), 625-633, 2012
Comparison of deformable and elastic foundation finite element simulations for predicting knee replacement mechanics
JP Halloran, SK Easley, AJ Petrella, PJ Rullkoetter
Concurrent musculoskeletal dynamics and finite element analysis predicts altered gait patterns to reduce foot tissue loading
JP Halloran, M Ackermann, A Erdemir, AJ Van den Bogert
Journal of biomechanics 43 (14), 2810-2815, 2010
Verification of predicted knee replacement kinematics during simulated gait in the Kansas knee simulator
JP Halloran, CW Clary, LP Maletsky, M Taylor, AJ Petrella, PJ Rullkoetter
Multiscale mechanics of articular cartilage: potentials and challenges of coupling musculoskeletal, joint, and microscale computational models
JP Halloran, S Sibole, CC Van Donkelaar, MC Van Turnhout, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 40, 2456-2474, 2012
Probabilistic finite element prediction of knee wear simulator mechanics
PJ Laz, S Pal, JP Halloran, AJ Petrella, PJ Rullkoetter
Journal of biomechanics 39 (12), 2303-2310, 2006
A general framework for application of prestrain to computational models of biological materials
SA Maas, A Erdemir, JP Halloran, JA Weiss
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 61, 499-510, 2016
Adaptive surrogate modeling for efficient coupling of musculoskeletal control and tissue deformation models
JP Halloran, A Erdemir, AJ Van Den Bogert
Deciphering the “art” in modeling and simulation of the knee joint: overall strategy
A Erdemir, TF Besier, JP Halloran, CW Imhauser, PJ Laz, TM Morrison, ...
Journal of biomechanical engineering 141 (7), 071002, 2019
A three-dimensional inverse finite element analysis of the heel pad
S Chokhandre, JP Halloran, AJ van den Bogert, A Erdemir
An elaborate data set characterizing the mechanical response of the foot
A Erdemir, PA Sirimamilla, JP Halloran, AJ van den Bogert
Commentary on the integration of model sharing and reproducibility analysis to scholarly publishing workflow in computational biomechanics
A Erdemir, TM Guess, JP Halloran, L Modenese, JA Reinbolt, DG Thelen, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (10), 2080-2085, 2016
Use of distraction loading to estimate subject-specific knee ligament slack lengths
W Zaylor, BN Stulberg, JP Halloran
Journal of biomechanics 92, 1-5, 2019
Deciphering the “art” in modeling and simulation of the knee joint: variations in model development
NB Rooks, MTY Schneider, A Erdemir, JP Halloran, PJ Laz, KB Shelburne, ...
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 143 (6), 061002, 2021
Adaptive surrogate modeling for expedited estimation of nonlinear tissue properties through inverse finite element analysis
JP Halloran, A Erdemir
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 39, 2388-2397, 2011
Specimen specific imaging and joint mechanical testing data for next generation virtual knees
S Chokhandre, EE Neumann, TF Nagle, RW Colbrunn, CA Flask, C Colak, ...
Data in Brief 35, 106824, 2021
Assessment of reporting practices and reproducibility potential of a cohort of published studies in computational knee biomechanics
JP Halloran, N Abdollahi Nohouji, MA Hafez, TF Besier, SK Chokhandre, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 41 (2), 325-334, 2023
A method to compare heterogeneous types of bone and cartilage meshes
NB Rooks, MTY Schneider, A Erdemir, JP Halloran, PJ Laz, KB Shelburne, ...
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 143 (11), 111002, 2021
Reproducibility in modeling and simulation of the knee: Academic, industry, and regulatory perspectives
CW Imhauser, AP Baumann, X Liu, JE Bischoff, N Verdonschot, BJ Fregly, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 41 (12), 2569-2578, 2023
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