Leslie M. Blaha
A human cognition framework for information visualization
RE Patterson, LM Blaha, GG Grinstein, KK Liggett, DE Kaveney, ...
Computers & Graphics 42, 42-58, 2014
Warning, bias may occur: A proposed approach to detecting cognitive bias in interactive visual analytics
E Wall, LM Blaha, L Franklin, A Endert
2017 ieee conference on visual analytics science and technology (vast), 104-115, 2017
Systems factorial technology with R
JW Houpt, LM Blaha, JP McIntire, PR Havig, JT Townsend
Behavior research methods 46, 307-330, 2014
Systems factorial technology provides new insights on global–local information processing in autism spectrum disorders
SA Johnson, LM Blaha, JW Houpt, JT Townsend
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 54 (1), 53-72, 2010
Four perspectives on human bias in visual analytics
E Wall, LM Blaha, CL Paul, K Cook, A Endert
Cognitive biases in visualizations, 29-42, 2018
Toward a visualization-supported workflow for cyber alert management using threat models and human-centered design
L Franklin, M Pirrung, L Blaha, M Dowling, M Feng
2017 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 1-8, 2017
Adaptation modulates the electrophysiological substrates of perceived facial distortion: Support for opponent coding
A Burkhardt, LM Blaha, BS Jurs, G Rhodes, L Jeffery, D Wyatte, J DeLong, ...
Neuropsychologia 48 (13), 3743-3756, 2010
A formative study of interactive bias metrics in visual analytics using anchoring bias
E Wall, L Blaha, C Paul, A Endert
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2019: 17th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2019
Adaptive cognitive mechanisms to maintain calibrated trust and reliance in automation
C Lebiere, LM Blaha, CK Fallon, B Jefferson
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 652776, 2021
Opinions, influence, and zealotry: a computational study on stubbornness
DL Arendt, LM Blaha
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 21, 184-209, 2015
Opportunities and challenges for human-machine teaming in cybersecurity operations
C Lyn Paul, LM Blaha, CK Fallon, C Gonzalez, RS Gutzwiller
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 63 (1 …, 2019
SVEN: Informative visual representation of complex dynamic structure
DL Arendt, LM Blaha
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6706, 2014
Interactive OODA processes for operational joint human-machine intelligence
LM Blaha
NATO IST-160 Specialist’s Meeting: Big Data and Military Decision Making, 3-1, 2018
An extension of workload capacity space for systems with more than two channels
LM Blaha, JW Houpt
Journal of mathematical psychology 66, 1-5, 2015
An LDA approach to the neural correlates of configural learning
L Blaha, T Busey, J Townsend
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 31 (31), 2009
Parameter space visualization for large-scale datasets using parallel coordinate plots
K Glendenning, T Wischgoll, J Harris, R Vickery, L Blaha
Electronic Imaging 28, 1-8, 2016
A dynamic Hebbian-style model of configural learning
LM Blaha
Indiana University, 2011
Unsupervised parsing of gaze data with a beta-process vector auto-regressive hidden Markov model
JW Houpt, ME Frame, LM Blaha
Behavior research methods 50 (5), 2074-2096, 2018
Improving automation transparency: Addressing some of machine learning’s unique challenges
CK Fallon, LM Blaha
Augmented Cognition: Intelligent Technologies: 12th International Conference …, 2018
An examination of task demands on the elicited processing capacity
LM Blaha
Systems factorial technology, 137-156, 2017
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