Zhe Lei
Zhe Lei
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) & Dresden University of Technology
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Coarsening evolution of dendritic sidearms: From synchrotron experiments to quantitative modeling
H Neumann-Heyme, N Shevchenko, Z Lei, K Eckert, O Keplinger, ...
Acta Materialia 146, 176-186, 2018
Magnetic separation of Dy (III) ions from homogeneous aqueous solutions
B Pulko, X Yang, Z Lei, S Odenbach, K Eckert
Applied Physics Letters 105 (23), 2014
Magnetically induced aggregation of iron oxide nanoparticles for carrier flotation strategies
SP Schwaminger, K Schwarzenberger, J Gatzemeier, Z Lei, K Eckert
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (17), 20830-20844, 2021
Evaporation-assisted magnetic separation of rare-earth ions in aqueous solutions
Z Lei, B Fritzsche, K Eckert
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (44), 24576-24587, 2017
Mass transfer and electrolyte flow during electrodeposition on a conically shaped electrode under the influence of a magnetic field
M Huang, G Marinaro, X Yang, B Fritzsche, Z Lei, M Uhlemann, K Eckert, ...
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 842, 203-213, 2019
High-gradient magnetic separation of compact fluorescent lamp phosphors: Elucidation of the removal dynamics in a rotary permanent magnet separator
P Boelens, Z Lei, B Drobot, M Rudolph, Z Li, M Franzreb, K Eckert, ...
Minerals 11 (10), 1116, 2021
Magnetic separation of rare-earth ions: property database and kelvin force distribution
Z Lei, B Fritzsche, R Salikhov, K Schwarzenberger, O Hellwig, K Eckert
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (4), 2226-2233, 2022
Magnetic separation of rare-earth ions: Transport processes and pattern formation
Z Lei, B Fritzsche, K Eckert
Physical Review Fluids 6 (2), L021901, 2021
Heat transfer enhancement in magnetic cooling by means of magnetohydrodynamic convection
Z Lei, C Haberstroh, S Odenbach, K Eckert
International Journal of Refrigeration 62, 166-176, 2016
Space-and time-resolved interferometric measurements of the thermal boundary layer at a periodically magnetized gadolinium plate
Z Lei, X Yang, C Haberstroh, B Pulko, S Odenbach, K Eckert
International Journal of Refrigeration 56, 246-255, 2015
Stability criterion for the magnetic separation of rare-earth ions
Z Lei, B Fritzsche, K Eckert
Physical Review E 101 (1), 013109, 2020
Localization of rare earth ions in an inhomogeneous magnetic field toward their magnetic separation
B Fritzsche, Z Lei, X Yang, K Eckert
Journal of Rare Earths 40 (10), 1598-1605, 2022
Oscillatory surface deformation of paramagnetic rare-earth solutions driven by an inhomogeneous magnetic field
B Fritzsche, G Mutschke, TJ Meinel, X Yang, Z Lei, K Eckert
Physical Review E 101 (6), 062601, 2020
Liquid metal based magnetic cooling: velocity measurements
Z Lei, D Raebiger, S Eckert, K Eckert
Magnetophoresis induced coalescence of equal-sized oil droplets in paramagnetic aqueous carrier phase
X Lu, K Ortmann, K Eckert, Z Lei
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L08. 011, 2024
Interferometric Measurement of Forward Reaction Rate Order and Rate Constant of a Dy (III)-PC88A-HCl Solvent Extraction System
F Sun, K Ortmann, K Eckert, Z Lei
Magnetic Microhydrodynamics: An Emerging Research Field, 131-140, 2024
of a Dy (III)-PC88A-HCl Solvent Extraction System
F Sun, K Ortmann, K Eckert, Z Lei
Magnetic Microhydrodynamics: An Emerging Research Field 120, 131, 2024
Rectilinear magnetophoresic oscillation of oil droplet dispersed in immiscible paramagnetic carrier phase
Y He, K Ortmann, K Eckert, Z Lei
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023
High-Gradient Mag-netic Separation of Compact Fluores-cent Lamp Phosphors: Elucidation of the Removal Dynamics in a Rotary Permanent Magnet Separator. Miner-als 2021, 11, 1116
Z Lei, B Drobot, M Ru-dolph, Z Li, M Franzreb, K Eckert, F Lederer
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WITHDRAWN: Corrigendum to “Heat transfer enhancement in magnetic cooling by means of magnetohydrodynamic convection”[Int. J. Refrig. 62 (2016) 166–176]
Z Lei, C Haberstroh, S Odenbach, K Eckert
International Journal of Refrigeration 69, e1, 2016
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