Simon Loader
Simon Loader
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na nhm.ac.uk
Global patterns of diversification in the history of modern amphibians
K Roelants, DJ Gower, M Wilkinson, SP Loader, SD Biju, K Guillaume, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 887-892, 2007
The biological importance of the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and Kenya
ND Burgess, TM Butynski, NJ Cordeiro, NH Doggart, J Fjeldså, ...
Biological conservation 134 (2), 209-231, 2007
Ongoing declines for the world’s amphibians in the face of emerging threats
JA Luedtke, J Chanson, K Neam, L Hobin, AO Maciel, A Catenazzi, ...
Nature 622 (7982), 308-314, 2023
Gradual adaptation toward a range-expansion phenotype initiated the global radiation of toads
I Van Bocxlaer, SP Loader, K Roelants, SD Biju, M Menegon, F Bossuyt
Science 327 (5966), 679-682, 2010
Refuge use by fish as a function of body length–related metabolic expenditure and predation risks
J Krause, SP Loader, J McDermott, GD Ruxton
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
A molecular phylogeny of ichthyophiid caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Ichthyophiidae): out of India or out of South East Asia?
DJ Gower, A Kupfer, OV Oommen, W Himstedt, RA Nussbaum, SP Loader, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Toad radiation reveals into-India dispersal as a source of endemism in the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
I Van Bocxlaer, SD Biju, SP Loader, F Bossuyt
BMC evolutionary Biology 9, 1-10, 2009
Molecular phylogeny of microhylid frogs (Anura: Microhylidae) with emphasis on relationships among New World genera
RO de Sá, JW Streicher, R Sekonyela, MC Forlani, SP Loader, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 12, 1-21, 2012
On site DNA barcoding by nanopore sequencing
M Menegon, C Cantaloni, A Rodriguez-Prieto, C Centomo, A Abdelfattah, ...
PLoS One 12 (10), e0184741, 2017
Life-history evolution and mitogenomic phylogeny of caecilian amphibians
D San Mauro, DJ Gower, H Müller, SP Loader, R Zardoya, RA Nussbaum, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 73, 177-189, 2014
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Infection and Lethal Chytridiomycosis in Caecilian Amphibians (Gymnophiona)
DJ Gower, T Doherty-Bone, SP Loader, M Wilkinson, MT Kouete, ...
EcoHealth 10, 173-183, 2013
Sexual dichromatism drives diversification within a major radiation of African amphibians
DM Portik, RC Bell, DC Blackburn, AM Bauer, CD Barratt, WR Branch, ...
Systematic Biology 68 (6), 859-875, 2019
Relative time scales reveal multiple origins of parallel disjunct distributions of African caecilian amphibians
SP Loader, D Pisani, JA Cotton, DJ Gower, JJ Day, M Wilkinson
Biology Letters 3 (5), 505-508, 2007
Amphibian diversity in East African biodiversity hotspots: altitudinal and latitudinal patterns
JC Poynton, SP Loader, E Sherratt, BT Clarke
Vertebrate Conservation and Biodiversity, 277-292, 2007
No ecological opportunity signal on a continental scale? Diversification and life‐history evolution of African true toads (Anura: Bufonidae)
HC Liedtke, H Müller, MO Rödel, M Menegon, LGN Gonwouo, MF Barej, ...
Evolution 70 (8), 1717-1733, 2016
Phylogenetic relationships of African caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona): insights from mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences
M Wilkinson, SP Loader, DJ Gower, JA Sheps, BL Cohen
African Journal of Herpetology 52 (2), 83-92, 2003
Vanishing refuge? Testing the forest refuge hypothesis in coastal East Africa using genome‐wide sequence data for seven amphibians
CD Barratt, BA Bwong, R Jehle, HC Liedtke, P Nagel, RE Onstein, ...
Molecular Ecology 27 (21), 4289-4308, 2018
Persistence and stability of Eastern Afromontane forests: evidence from brevicipitid frogs
SP Loader, F Sara Ceccarelli, M Menegon, KM Howell, R Kassahun, ...
Journal of biogeography 41 (9), 1781-1792, 2014
Causes and analytical impacts of missing data in RADseq phylogenetics: Insights from an African frog (Afrixalus)
M Crotti, CD Barratt, SP Loader, DJ Gower, JW Streicher
Zoologica Scripta 48 (2), 157-167, 2019
The genus Atheris (Serpentes: Viperidae) in East Africa: Phylogeny and the role of rifting and climate in shaping the current pattern of species diversity
M Menegon, SP Loader, SJ Marsden, WR Branch, TRB Davenport, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 79, 12-22, 2014
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