Nathan Proudlove
Nathan Proudlove
Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
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Lessons for lean in healthcare from using six sigma in the NHS
N Proudlove, C Moxham, R Boaden
Public Money and Management 28 (1), 27-34, 2008
Quality improvement: theory and practice in healthcare
R Boaden, G Harvey, C Moxham, NC Proudlove
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2008
Can good bed management solve the overcrowding in accident and emergency departments?
NC Proudlove, K Gordon, R Boaden
Emergency Medicine Journal 20 (2), 149-155, 2003
Intelligent systems in manufacturing: current developments and future prospects
F Meziane, S Vadera, K Kobbacy, N Proudlove
Integrated manufacturing systems 11 (4), 218-238, 2000
An exploratory study of bed management
R Boaden, N Proudlove, M Wilson
Journal of management in medicine 13 (4), 234-250, 1999
OR and the challenge to improve the NHS: modelling for insight and improvement in in-patient flows
NC Proudlove, S Black, A Fletcher
Journal of the Operational Research Society 58 (2), 145-158, 2007
System dynamics modelling for supply‐chain management: A case study on a supermarket chain in the UK
Y Ge, JB Yang, N Proudlove, M Spring
International Transactions in Operational Research 11 (5), 495-509, 2004
Developing bed managers: the why and the how
N Proudlove, R Boaden, J Jorgensen
Journal of nursing management 15 (1), 34-42, 2007
Towards an intelligent maintenance optimization system
KAH Kobbacy, NC Proudlove, MA Harper
Journal of the Operational Research Society 46 (7), 831-853, 1995
Intelligent management systems in operations: a review
NC Proudlove, S Vaderá, KAH Kobbacy
Journal of the Operational Research Society 49 (7), 682-699, 1998
A BPMN extension to support discrete-event simulation for healthcare applications: an explicit representation of queues, attributes and data-driven decision points
BSS Onggo, NC Proudlove, SA D’Ambrogio, A Calabrese, S Bisogno, ...
Journal of the Operational Research Society 69 (5), 788-802, 2018
Towards fully-facilitated discrete event simulation modelling: Addressing the model coding stage
NC Proudlove, S Bisogno, BSS Onggo, A Calabrese, NL Ghiron
European Journal of Operational Research 263 (2), 583-595, 2017
Using operational information and information systems to improve in‐patient flow in hospitals
NC Proudlove, R Boaden
Journal of health organization and management 19 (6), 466-477, 2005
Impact of the care quality Commission on provider performance: room for improvement?
R Smithson, E Richardson, J Roberts, K Walshe, L Wenzel, R Robertson, ...
King's Fund, 2018
The 85% bed occupancy fallacy: The use, misuse and insights of queuing theory
NC Proudlove
Health services management research 33 (3), 110-121, 2020
A statistical investigation of inventory shrinkage in a large retail chain
SD Howell, NC Proudlove
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 17 (2 …, 2007
Can real-world data and rapid learning drive improvements in lung cancer survival? The RAPID-RT study
G Price, S Devaney, DP French, R Holley, S Holm, E Kontopantelis, ...
Clinical Oncology 34 (6), 407-410, 2022
Measurement and improvement of emergency department performance through inspection and rating: an observational study of emergency departments in acute hospitals in England
T Allen, K Walshe, N Proudlove, M Sutton
Emergency Medicine Journal 36 (6), 326-332, 2019
Responses to Francis: changes in board leadership and governance in acute hospitals in England since 2013. The full report.
N Chambers, R Thorlby, A Boyd, J Smith, N Proudlove, H Kendrick, ...
Making every drop count: reducing wastage of a novel blood component for transfusion of trauma patients
J McCullagh, N Proudlove, H Tucker, J Davies, D Edmondson, J Lancut, ...
BMJ Open Quality 10 (3), e001396, 2021
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