Université de Grenoble, INPG, gipsa-lab
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr
Bridging data-driven and model-based approaches for process fault diagnosis and health monitoring: A review of researches and future challenges
K Tidriri, N Chatti, S Verron, T Tiplica
Annual reviews in control 42, 63-81, 2016
A generic framework for decision fusion in fault detection and diagnosis
K Tidriri, T Tiplica, N Chatti, S Verron
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 71, 73-86, 2018
A data-centric machine learning methodology: Application on predictive maintenance of wind turbines
M Garan, K Tidriri, I Kovalenko
Energies 15 (3), 826, 2022
Model-based fault detection and diagnosis of complex chemical processes: A case study of the Tennessee Eastman process
K Tidriri, N Chatti, S Verron, T Tiplica
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2018
A decision fusion based methodology for fault Prognostic and Health Management of complex systems
K Tidriri, S Verron, T Tiplica, N Chatti
Applied Soft Computing 83, 105622, 2019
Data-driven decision-making methodology for prognostic and health management of wind turbines
K Tidriri, A Braydi, H Kazmi
2021 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), 104-109, 2021
A bond graph modeling for health monitoring and diagnosis of the tennessee eastman process
K Tidriri, N Chatti, S Verron, T Tiplica
2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2017
Degradation analysis in a controlled flexible drive train subject to torsional phenomena under different wind speed conditions
MS Felix, JJ Martinez, C Bérenguer, K Tidriri
2022 10th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), 90-95, 2022
Proposition of a generic decision framework for prescriptive maintenance
P Dias Longhitano, K Tidriri, C Bérenguer, B Echard
World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, 263-273, 2021
A new hybrid approach for fault detection and diagnosis
K Tidriri, T Tiplica, N Chatti, S Verron
Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of …, 2017
Dynamic bayesian network decision model for improving fault detection procedure
N Chatti, K Tidriri, TK Bera
2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2020
Joint optimization of routes and driving parameters for battery degradation management in electric vehicles
PD Longhitano, K Tidriri, C Bérenguer, B Echard
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (6), 557-562, 2022
A new multi-objective decision-making approach applied to the tennessee eastman process
K Tidriri, T Tiplica, N Chatti, S Verron
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (24), 1212-1219, 2018
Data science and energy: some lessons from Europe on higher education course design and delivery
H Kazmi, Í Munné-Collado, K Tidriri, L Nordström, F Gielen, J Driesen
Harvard Data Science Review 4 (1), 2022
A closed-loop prescriptive maintenance approach for an usage dependent deteriorating item - Application to a critical vehicle component
P Longhitano, K Tidriri, C Bérenguer, B Echard
ESREL 2021 - 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference - ESREL 2021 …, 2021
Decision fusion dedicated to the monitoring of complex systems
K Tidriri
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: TEL …, 2018
Generic framework for hybrid fault diagnosis and health monitoring of the Tennessee Eastman Process
K Tidriri, N Chatti, S Verron, T Tiplica
2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2017
Fusion de décisions dédiée à la surveillance des systèmes complexes
K Tidriri
Université d'Angers, 2018
Joint optimization of routes and driving parameters for cycle degradation minimization in electric vehicles
PD Longhitano, B Echard, C Bérenguer, K Tidriri
Battery degradation model for mission assignment in a fleet of electric vehicles
PD Longhitano, B Echard, K Tidriri, C Bérenguer
ENBIS Spring Metting 2022, 2022
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