Todd D Ringler
Todd D Ringler
U.S. Senate
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A multiscale nonhydrostatic atmospheric model using centroidal Voronoi tesselations and C-grid staggering
WC Skamarock, JB Klemp, MG Duda, LD Fowler, SH Park, TD Ringler
Monthly Weather Review 140 (9), 3090-3105, 2012
The DOE E3SM coupled model version 1: Overview and evaluation at standard resolution
JC Golaz, PM Caldwell, LP Van Roekel, MR Petersen, Q Tang, JD Wolfe, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (7), 2089-2129, 2019
A multi-resolution approach to global ocean modeling
T Ringler, M Petersen, RL Higdon, D Jacobsen, PW Jones, M Maltrud
Ocean Modelling 69, 211-232, 2013
A unified approach to energy conservation and potential vorticity dynamics for arbitrarily-structured C-grids
TD Ringler, J Thuburn, JB Klemp, WC Skamarock
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (9), 3065-3090, 2010
Challenges and prospects in ocean circulation models
B Fox-Kemper, A Adcroft, CW Böning, EP Chassignet, E Curchitser, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 65, 2019
Numerical representation of geostrophic modes on arbitrarily structured C-grids
J Thuburn, TD Ringler, WC Skamarock, JB Klemp
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (22), 8321-8335, 2009
Climate modeling with spherical geodesic grids
DA Randall, TD Ringler, RP Heikes, P Jones, J Baumgardner
Computing in Science & Engineering 4 (5), 32-41, 2002
A multiresolution method for climate system modeling: Application of spherical centroidal Voronoi tessellations
T Ringler, L Ju, M Gunzburger
Ocean Dynamics 58, 475-498, 2008
The benefits of global high resolution for climate simulation: process understanding and the enabling of stakeholder decisions at the regional scale
MJ Roberts, PL Vidale, C Senior, HT Hewitt, C Bates, S Berthou, P Chang, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99 (11), 2341-2359, 2018
Modeling the atmospheric general circulation using a spherical geodesic grid: A new class of dynamical cores
TD Ringler, RP Heikes, DA Randall
Monthly Weather Review 128 (7), 2471-2490, 2000
Evaluation of the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian vertical coordinate method in the MPAS-Ocean model
MR Petersen, DW Jacobsen, TD Ringler, MW Hecht, ME Maltrud
Ocean Modelling 86, 93-113, 2015
A potential enstrophy and energy conserving numerical scheme for solution of the shallow-water equations on a geodesic grid
TD Ringler, DA Randall
Monthly Weather Review 130 (5), 1397-1410, 2002
Exploring a multiresolution modeling approach within the shallow-water equations
TD Ringler, D Jacobsen, M Gunzburger, L Ju, M Duda, W Skamarock
Monthly Weather Review 139 (11), 3348-3368, 2011
Analysis of discrete shallow-water models on geodesic Delaunay grids with C-type staggering
L Bonaventura, T Ringler
Monthly Weather Review 133 (8), 2351-2373, 2005
An evaluation of the ocean and sea ice climate of E3SM using MPAS and interannual CORE‐II forcing
MR Petersen, XS Asay‐Davis, AS Berres, Q Chen, N Feige, MJ Hoffman, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (5), 1438-1458, 2019
Projected future changes in vegetation in western North America in the twenty-first century
X Jiang, SA Rauscher, TD Ringler, DM Lawrence, AP Williams, CD Allen, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (11), 3671-3687, 2013
The KPP boundary layer scheme for the ocean: Revisiting its formulation and benchmarking one‐dimensional simulations relative to LES
L Van Roekel, AJ Adcroft, G Danabasoglu, SM Griffies, B Kauffman, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10 (11), 2647-2685, 2018
Voronoi tessellations and their application to climate and global modeling
L Ju, T Ringler, M Gunzburger
Numerical techniques for global atmospheric models, 313-342, 2011
Exploring a global multiresolution modeling approach using aquaplanet simulations
SA Rauscher, TD Ringler, WC Skamarock, AA Mirin
Journal of Climate 26 (8), 2432-2452, 2013
Understanding the seasonality of orographically forced stationary waves: Interaction between mechanical and thermal forcing
TD Ringler, KH Cook
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 56 (9), 1154-1174, 1999
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