Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Jamie M. TaylorVeč o tem
Na voljo nekje: 21
On quadrature rules for solving partial differential equations using neural networks
JA Rivera, JM Taylor, ÁJ Omella, D Pardo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 393, 114710, 2022
Zahteve: US Department of Education, European Commission, Government of Spain
A deep Fourier residual method for solving PDEs using neural networks
JM Taylor, D Pardo, I Muga
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 405, 115850, 2023
Zahteve: US Department of Education, European Commission, Government of Spain
Convex integration arising in the modelling of shape-memory alloys: some remarks on rigidity, flexibility and some numerical implementations
A Rüland, JM Taylor, C Zillinger
Journal of Nonlinear Science 29, 2137-2184, 2019
Zahteve: European Commission, Government of Spain
Density functional theory for dense nematic liquid crystals with steric interactions
ES Nascimento, P Palffy-Muhoray, JM Taylor, EG Virga, X Zheng
Physical Review E 96 (2), 022704, 2017
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, European Commission
Maximum Entropy Methods as the Bridge Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Theory
JM Taylor
Journal of Statistical Physics 164 (6), 1429–1459, 2016
Zahteve: European Commission
Oseen–Frank-type theories of ordered media as the -limit of a non-local mean-field free energy
JM Taylor
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 28 (04), 615-657, 2018
Zahteve: European Commission
Deep Fourier Residual method for solving time-harmonic Maxwell's equations
JM Taylor, M Bastidas, D Pardo, I Muga
Journal of Computational Physics 523, 113623, 2025
Zahteve: European Commission
Multimodal variational autoencoder for inverse problems in geophysics: application to a 1-D magnetotelluric problem
O Rodriguez, JM Taylor, D Pardo
Geophysical Journal International 235 (3), 2598-2613, 2023
Zahteve: US Department of Education, Government of Spain
Leaky cell model of hard spheres
TG Fai, JM Taylor, EG Virga, X Zheng, P Palffy-Muhoray
The Journal of chemical physics 154 (10), 2021
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, Government of Spain
Γ-convergence of a mean-field model of a chiral doped nematic liquid crystal to the Oseen–Frank description of cholesterics
JM Taylor
Nonlinearity 33 (6), 3062, 2020
Zahteve: Government of Spain
Machine learning discovery of optimal quadrature rules for isogeometric analysis
T Teijeiro, JM Taylor, A Hashemian, D Pardo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 416, 116310, 2023
Zahteve: US Department of Education, Government of Spain
An analysis of equilibria in dense nematic liquid crystals
JM Taylor
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50 (2), 1918-1957, 2018
Zahteve: European Commission
Cavity volume and free energy in many-body systems
JM Taylor, TG Fai, EG Virga, X Zheng, P Palffy-Muhoray
Journal of Nonlinear Science 31 (5), 87, 2021
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, Government of Spain
Optimizing variational physics-informed neural networks using least squares
C Uriarte, M Bastidas, D Pardo, JM Taylor, S Rojas
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 185, 76-93, 2025
Zahteve: European Commission
On a probabilistic model for martensitic avalanches incorporating mechanical compatibility
F Della Porta, A Rüland, JM Taylor, C Zillinger
Nonlinearity 34 (7), 4844, 2021
Zahteve: German Research Foundation, Government of Spain
A Least-Squares-Based Neural Network (LS-Net) for Solving Linear Parametric PDEs
S Baharlouei, JM Taylor, C Uriarte, D Pardo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 437, 117757, 2025
Zahteve: European Commission
Memory-Based Monte Carlo Integration for Solving Partial Differential Equations Using Neural Networks
C Uriarte, JM Taylor, D Pardo, OA Rodríguez, P Vega
International Conference on Computational Science, 509-516, 2023
Zahteve: US Department of Education, European Commission, Government of Spain
Hölder regularity and convergence for a non-local model of nematic liquid crystals in the large-domain limit
G Canevari, JM Taylor
Nonlinear Analysis 215, 112641, 2022
Zahteve: Government of Spain, Government of Italy
Effective surface energies in nematic liquid crystals as homogenized rugosity effects
RD Ceuca, JM Taylor, A Zarnescu
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 25 (06), 2250020, 2023
Zahteve: Government of Spain
The excluded volume of two-dimensional convex bodies: shape reconstruction and non-uniqueness
JM Taylor
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (9), 095002, 2019
Zahteve: Government of Spain
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