Una Masic
Una Masic
Post Doctoral Researcher
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na tavi-port.nhs.uk
Umami flavor enhances appetite but also increases satiety
U Masic, MR Yeomans
The American journal of clinical nutrition 100 (2), 532-538, 2014
Short-term outcomes of pubertal suppression in a selected cohort of 12 to 15 year old young people with persistent gender dysphoria in the UK
P Carmichael, G Butler, U Masic, TJ Cole, BL De Stavola, S Davidson, ...
PloS one 16 (2), e0243894, 2021
Does monosodium glutamate interact with macronutrient composition to influence subsequent appetite?
U Masic, MR Yeomans
Physiology & behavior 116, 23-29, 2013
The influence of calorie and physical activity labelling on snack and beverage choices
U Masic, P Christiansen, EJ Boyland
Appetite 112, 52-58, 2017
Monosodium glutamate delivered in a protein-rich soup improves subsequent energy compensation
U Masic, MR Yeomans
Journal of nutritional science 3, e15, 2014
Discharge outcome analysis of 1089 transgender young people referred to paediatric endocrine clinics in England 2008–2021
G Butler, K Adu-Gyamfi, K Clarkson, R El Khairi, S Kleczewski, A Roberts, ...
Archives of Disease in Childhood 107 (11), 1018-1022, 2022
The effect of heightened awareness of observation on consumption of a multi-item laboratory test meal in females
E Robinson, M Proctor, M Oldham, U Masic
Physiology & behavior 163, 129-135, 2016
EffectS of non-nutritive sWeetened beverages on appetITe during aCtive weigHt loss (SWITCH): Protocol for a randomized, controlled trial assessing the effects of non-nutritive …
U Masic, JA Harrold, P Christiansen, DJ Cuthbertson, CA Hardman, ...
Contemporary Clinical Trials 53, 80-88, 2017
Does acute or habitual protein deprivation influence liking for monosodium glutamate?
U Masic, MR Yeomans
Physiology & Behavior 171, 79-86, 2017
Coconut and sunflower oil ratios in ice cream influence subsequent food selection and intake
G Rizzo, U Masic, JA Harrold, JE Norton, JCG Halford
Physiology & behavior 164, 40-46, 2016
A longitudinal study of features associated with autism spectrum in clinic referred, gender diverse adolescents accessing puberty suppression treatment
I Russell, B Pearson, U Masic
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51, 2068-2076, 2021
Dishware size and snack food intake in a between-subjects laboratory experiment
E Robinson, F Sheen, J Harrold, E Boyland, JCG Halford, U Masic
Public Health Nutrition 19 (4), 633-637, 2016
Gender diversity and autism spectrum conditions in children and adolescents: A narrative review of the methodologies used by quantitative studies
II Manjra, U Masic
Journal of clinical psychology 78 (4), 485-502, 2022
Systematic review of the evidence for sustained efficacy of dietary interventions for reducing appetite or energy intake
JCG Halford, U Masic, CFM Marsaux, AJ Jones, A Lluch, L Marciani, ...
Obesity Reviews 19 (10), 1329-1339, 2018
Trajectories of transgender adolescents referred for endocrine intervention in England
U Masic, G Butler, P Carruthers, P Carmichael
Archives of Disease in Childhood 107 (11), 1012-1017, 2022
Is the effect of menu energy labelling on consumer behaviour equitable? A pooled analysis of twelve randomized control experiments
E Robinson, E Boyland, P Christiansen, AF Haynos, A Jones, U Masic, ...
Appetite 182, 106451, 2023
Impact of hormone treatment on psychosocial functioning in gender-diverse young people
R Lavender, S Shaw, JK Maninger, G Butler, P Carruthers, P Carmichael, ...
LGBT health 10 (5), 382-390, 2023
Gender identity development in children and young people: A systematic review of longitudinal studies
H Stynes, C Lane, B Pearson, T Wright, V Ranieri, U Masic, E Kennedy
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 26 (3), 706-719, 2021
Demographics of referrals to a specialist gender identity service in the UK between 2017 and 2020
B Masala, A Love, P Carmichael, U Masic
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 29 (2), 624-636, 2024
Key socio-demographic characteristics of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria: A British Isles surveillance study
S Khadr, U Masic, V Clarke, RM Lynn, V Holt, P Carmichael
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 27 (4), 1106-1123, 2022
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