Robert Glenn Richey. Jr
Supply chain collaboration: what's happening?
S Min, AS Roath, PJ Daugherty, SE Genchev, H Chen, AD Arndt, ...
The international journal of logistics management 16 (2), 237-256, 2005
Reverse logistics: superior performance through focused resource commitments to information technology
PJ Daugherty, RG Richey, SE Genchev, H Chen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 41 (2 …, 2005
The role of resource commitment and innovation in reverse logistics performance
R Glenn Richey, SE Genchev, PJ Daugherty
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 35 (4 …, 2005
Is collaboration paying off for firms?
PJ Daugherty, RG Richey, AS Roath, S Min, H Chen, AD Arndt, ...
Business horizons 49 (1), 61-70, 2006
Exploring a governance theory of supply chain management: barriers and facilitators to integration
RG Richey Jr, AS Roath, JM Whipple, SE Fawcett
Journal of business logistics 31 (1), 237-256, 2010
The effects of technological turbulence and breadth on supply chain technology acceptance and adoption
CW Autry, SJ Grawe, PJ Daugherty, RG Richey
Journal of Operations Management 28 (6), 522-536, 2010
Information support for reverse logistics: the influence of relationship commitment
PJ Daugherty, MB Myers, RG Richey
Journal of business logistics 23 (1), 85-106, 2002
Effects of task interdependence on the relationship between helping behavior and group performance.
DG Bachrach, BC Powell, BJ Collins, RG Richey
Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (6), 1396, 2006
Exploring knowledge management to organizational performance outcomes in a transitional economy
TS Kiessling, RG Richey, J Meng, M Dabic
Journal of world business 44 (4), 421-433, 2009
The challenge of reverse logistics in catalog retailing
CW Autry, PJ Daugherty, R Glenn Richey
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 31 (1 …, 2001
Organizational citizenship behavior and performance evaluations: Exploring the impact of task interdependence.
DG Bachrach, BC Powell, E Bendoly, RG Richey
Journal of applied psychology 91 (1), 193, 2006
A Global Exploration of Big Data in the Supply Chain
RG Richey Jr, TR Morgan, K Lindsey-Hall, FG Adams
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 46 (8 …, 2016
Firm technological readiness and complementarity: capabilities impacting logistics service competency and performance
RG Richey, PJ Daugherty, AS Roath
Journal of Business Logistics 28 (1), 195-228, 2007
Market orientation, employee development practices, and performance in logistics service provider firms
AE Ellinger, DJ Ketchen Jr, GTM Hult, AB Elmadağ, RG Richey Jr
Industrial Marketing Management 37 (4), 353-366, 2008
Bullying: From the playground to the boardroom
MG Harvey, JT Heames, RG Richey, N Leonard
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 12 (4), 1-11, 2006
Artificial intelligence in logistics and supply chain management: A primer and roadmap for research
RG Richey Jr, S Chowdhury, B Davis‐Sramek, M Giannakis, YK Dwivedi
Journal of Business Logistics 44 (4), 532-549, 2023
Developing effective reverse logistics programs
RG Richey, H Chen, SE Genchev, PJ Daugherty
Industrial Marketing Management 34 (8), 830-840, 2005
Internationalization knowledge: what, why, where, and when?
M Fletcher, S Harris, RG Richey Jr
Journal of International Marketing 21 (3), 47-71, 2013
The moderating role of barriers on the relationship between drivers to supply chain integration and firm performance
R Glenn Richey Jr, H Chen, R Upreti, SE Fawcett, FG Adams
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 39 (10 …, 2009
Supply chain collaboration, integration, and relational technology: How complex operant resources increase performance outcomes
FG Adams, RG Richey Jr, CW Autry, TR Morgan, CB Gabler
Journal of Business Logistics 35 (4), 299-317, 2014
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