Fatih Unlu
Reading First Impact Study. Final Report. NCEE 2009-4038.
BC Gamse, RT Jacob, M Horst, B Boulay, F Unlu
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2008
Smoothing the transition to postsecondary education: The impact of the early college model
JA Edmunds, F Unlu, E Glennie, L Bernstein, L Fesler, J Furey, ...
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 10 (2), 297-325, 2017
Expanding the start of the college pipeline: Ninth-grade findings from an experimental study of the impact of the early college high school model
JA Edmunds, L Bernstein, F Unlu, E Glennie, J Willse, A Smith, ...
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 5 (2), 136-159, 2012
Preparing students for college: The implementation and impact of the early college high school model
JA Edmunds, L Bernstein, E Glennie, J Willse, N Arshavsky, F Unlu, ...
Peabody Journal of Education 85 (3), 348-364, 2010
Social and Emotional Learning Interventions under the Every Student Succeeds Act: Evidence Review. Research Report. RR-2133-WF.
S Grant, LS Hamilton, SL Wrabel, CJ Gomez, A Whitaker, JT Leschitz, ...
Rand Corporation, 2017
What happens when you combine high school and college? The impact of the early college model on postsecondary performance and completion
JA Edmunds, F Unlu, J Furey, E Glennie, N Arshavsky
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 42 (2), 257-278, 2020
Preparing students for college: Lessons learned from the early college
JA Edmunds, N Arshavsky, K Lewis, B Thrift, F Unlu, J Furey
NASSP Bulletin 101 (2), 117-141, 2017
The efficacy of an intervention synthesizing scaffolding designed to promote self-regulation with an early mathematics curriculum: effects on executive function.
DH Clements, J Sarama, F Unlu, C Layzer
Society for research on educational effectiveness, 2012
Effects on mathematics and executive function of a mathematics and play intervention versus mathematics alone
DH Clements, J Sarama, C Layzer, F Unlu, L Fesler
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 51 (3), 301-333, 2020
Investing in successful summer programs
JS McCombs, CH Augustine, F Unlu, KM Ziol-Guest, S Naftel, CJ Gomez, ...
RAND Corporation, 2019
Estimating causal effects of education interventions using a two-rating regression discontinuity design: Lessons from a simulation study and an application
KE Porter, SF Reardon, F Unlu, HS Bloom, JR Cimpian
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 10 (1), 138-167, 2017
Bias and bias correction in multisite instrumental variables analysis of heterogeneous mediator effects
SF Reardon, F Unlu, P Zhu, HS Bloom
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 39 (1), 53-86, 2014
How the Every Student Succeeds Act Can Support Social and Emotional Learning. Research Brief. RB-9988-WF.
S Grant, LS Hamilton, SL Wrabel, CJ Gomez, A Whitaker, JT Leschitz, ...
Rand Corporation, 2017
Opportunities for all: Mutually beneficial opportunities for syrians and host countries in middle eastern labor markets
KB Kumar, S Culbertson, L Constant, S Nataraj, F Unlu, K Bouskill, ...
RAND Corporation, 2018
California class size reduction reform: New findings from the NAEP
F Unlu
Unpublished manuscript.(13.84)(13.38)(13.52)(13.76)(14.08)(14.40), 2005
Finite sample bias from instrumental variables analysis in randomized trials
HS Bloom, P Zhu, F Unlu
MDRC Working Paper. New York: MDRC, 2010
Can Quasi‐Experimental Evaluations That Rely On State Longitudinal Data Systems Replicate Experimental Results?
F Unlu, DL Lauen, SC Fuller, T Berglund, E Estrera
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 40 (2), 572-613, 2021
A Preliminary Assessment of the Cost and Benefit of the North Carolina's Early College High School Model and Its Impact on Postsecondary Enrollment and Earned College Credit.
F Unlu, J Edmunds, L Fesler, B Glennie
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2015
Developing school leaders: findings from a randomized control trial study of the executive development program and paired coaching
BK Master, H Schwartz, F Unlu, J Schweig, LT Mariano, J Coe, EL Wang, ...
Educational evaluation and policy analysis 44 (2), 257-282, 2022
Effects on executive function and mathematics learning of an early mathematics curriculum synthesized with scaffolded play designed to promote self-regulation versus the …
DH Clements, J Sarama, C Layzer, F Unlu, C Germeroth, L Fesler
University of Denver, 2015
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