Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Rik van GijnVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 3
Repeated dependent clauses in Yurakaré
R Van Gijn
Information structure and reference tracking in complex sentences, 291-308, 2014
Zahteve: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Reduplication in Yurakaré
R Van Gijn
Word Formation in South American Languages, 143-161, 2014
Zahteve: Swiss National Science Foundation, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and …
Switch Reference in Morphology
R van Gijn
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2019
Zahteve: Swiss National Science Foundation
Na voljo nekje: 14
Differential coding of perception in the world’s languages
A Majid, SG Roberts, L Cilissen, K Emmorey, B Nicodemus, L O’grady, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (45), 11369-11376, 2018
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Dunhill …
Contact-tracing in cultural evolution: a Bayesian mixture model to detect geographic areas of language contact
P Ranacher, N Neureiter, R Van Gijn, B Sonnenhauser, A Escher, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 18 (181), 20201031, 2021
Zahteve: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Can Bayesian phylogeography reconstruct migrations and expansions in linguistic evolution?
N Neureiter, P Ranacher, R van Gijn, B Bickel, R Weibel
Royal Society open science 8 (1), 201079, 2021
Zahteve: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Identifying probable pathways of language diffusion in South America
P Ranacher, R Van Gijn, C Derungs
University of Zurich, 2017
Zahteve: Swiss National Science Foundation
The social lives of isolates (and small language families): the case of the Northwest Amazon
R Van Gijn, S Norder, L Arias, NQ Emlen, MCBC Azevedo, A Caine, ...
Interface Focus 13 (1), 20220054, 2022
Zahteve: European Commission
Interpreting mismatches between linguistic and genetic patterns among speakers of Tanimuka (Eastern Tukanoan) and Yukuna (Arawakan)
L Arias, NQ Emlen, S Norder, N Julmi, M Lemus Serrano, T Chacon, ...
Interface Focus 13 (1), 20220056, 2022
Zahteve: European Commission
glottospace: R package for language mapping and geospatial analysis of linguistic and cultural data
S Norder, L Becker, H Skirgård, L Arias, A Witzlack-Makarevich, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (77), 4303, 2022
Zahteve: European Commission
11 Contact-induced diffusion of applicatives in northwestern Amazonia?
R Van Gijn
Applicative Constructions in the World’s Languages 7, 307, 2024
Zahteve: European Commission
Lexically driven patterns of contact in alignment systems of languages of the northern Upper Amazon
R Van Gijn, J Case, M Bruil, SA Claassen, K Grzech, N Julmi
Open Linguistics 9 (1), 20220224, 2023
Zahteve: Swedish Research Council, European Commission
Introduction: Bridging the gap between individual interactions and areal patterns
R van Gijn, M Wahlström, H Ruch, A Hasse
Language contact: Bridging the gap between individual interactions and areal …, 2023
Zahteve: European Commission, Kone Foundation
Can Bayesian phylogeography reconstruct migrations and expansions in human history?
N Neureiter, P Ranacher, R van Gijn, B Bickel, R Weibel
bioRxiv, 2020.07. 20.212043, 2020
Zahteve: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Word accent and mapping rules in Yurakaré
R Van Gijn
Morphology 24 (3), 223-244, 2014
Zahteve: Swiss National Science Foundation
Resource Acquisition for Understudied Languages: Extracting Wordlists from Dictionaries for Computer-Assisted Language Comparison
F Blum, J Englisch, AH Rodriguez, R van Gijn, JM List
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under …, 2024
Zahteve: European Commission
Multidisciplinary approaches to the Amazonian past: introduction to the theme issue
NQ Emlen, L Arias, R van Gijn
Interface Focus 13 (1), 20220068, 2022
Zahteve: European Commission
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