Prajwal Osti
Prajwal Osti
Doctorla Candidate, Aalto University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na aalto.fi
Analysis of PDCCH performance for M2M traffic in LTE
P Osti, P Lassila, S Aalto, A Larmo, T Tirronen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (9), 4357-4371, 2014
On the optimal trade-off between SRPT and opportunistic scheduling
S Aalto, A Penttinen, P Lassila, P Osti
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on …, 2011
Whittle index approach to size-aware scheduling with time-varying channels
S Aalto, P Lassila, P Osti
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on …, 2015
Whittle index approach to size-aware scheduling for time-varying channels with multiple states
S Aalto, P Lassila, P Osti
Queueing Systems 83, 195-225, 2016
Data aggregation in capillary networks for machine-to-machine communications
H Shariatmadari, P Osti, S Iraji, R Jäntti
2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2015
Load balancing for M2M random access in LTE HetNets
P Osti, S Aalto, P Lassila
2014 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis & Simulation …, 2014
Optimal size-based opportunistic scheduler for wireless systems
S Aalto, A Penttinen, P Lassila, P Osti
Queueing Systems 72, 5-30, 2012
Optimal intercell coordination for multiple user classes with elastic traffic
P Osti, P Lassila, S Aalto
Proceedings of the 8th Euro-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet NGI …, 2012
Opportunistic scheduling with flow size information for Markovian time-varying channels
S Aalto, P Lassila, P Osti
Performance Evaluation 112, 27-52, 2017
Performance of D2D underlay and overlay for multi-class elastic traffic
P Osti, P Lassila, S Aalto
Computer Communications 117, 147-163, 2018
Performance of D2D underlay and overlay for elastic traffic
P Osti, P Lassila, S Aalto
Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis …, 2016
Flow-level modeling and optimization of intercell coordination with dynamic TDD
P Osti, S Aalto, P Lassila
Proceedings of the 10th ACM symposium on QoS and security for wireless and …, 2014
Additive manufacturing-printing the future
V Bandi, M Dufva, S Farny, K Huuhtanen, P Laiho, P Osti, E Litvinova
Bit Bang 5: changing global landscapes-role of policy making and innovation …, 2013
Flow-level modeling and optimization of intercell coordination with dynamic TDD (extended version)
P Osti, S Aalto, P Lassila
Technical report, 2014. http://users. comnet. aalto. fi/samuli …, 2014
Performance and optimization of dynamic-TDD intercell coordination with elastic traffic
P Osti, S Aalto, P Lassila
Telecommunication Systems 63, 655-679, 2016
Resource allocation in wireless access network: A queueing theoretic approach
P Osti
Aalto University, 2016
Minimizing Access Delay for M2M Traffic in Multi-RAT HetNets
P Osti, S Aalto, P Lassila
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis …, 2015
Optimal flow-level performance of opportunistic scheduling with size information
P Osti
Aalto University, 2011
Flow-Level Analysis of Load Balancing in HetNets and Dynamic TDD in LTE
A Khalid, P Osti
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 1 Politecnico di Milano, Italy 79 Orange Labs Networks and Carriers INRIA, France Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, Italy
K de Vogeleer, M Fiedler, P Eittenberger, D Erman, C Fortunato, V Fux, ...
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