Lars-Eric Olsson
Lars-Eric Olsson
Docent i vårdvetenskap
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na gu.se
Person-centered care—ready for prime time
I Ekman, K Swedberg, C Taft, A Lindseth, A Norberg, E Brink, J Carlsson, ...
European journal of cardiovascular nursing 10 (4), 248-251, 2011
Transitions theory: Middle range and situation specific theories in nursing research and practice
AI Meleis
Springer publishing company, 2010
Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study
I Ekman, A Wolf, LE Olsson, C Taft, K Dudas, M Schaufelberger, ...
European heart journal 33 (9), 1112-1119, 2012
Efficacy of person‐centred care as an intervention in controlled trials–a systematic review
LE Olsson, E Jakobsson Ung, K Swedberg, I Ekman
Journal of clinical nursing 22 (3-4), 456-465, 2013
Delayed gadolinium‐enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) in early knee osteoarthritis
CJ Tiderius, LE Olsson, P Leander, O Ekberg, L Dahlberg
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2003
A cost‐effectiveness study of a patient‐centred integrated care pathway
LE Olsson, E Hansson, I Ekman, J Karlsson
Journal of advanced nursing 65 (8), 1626-1635, 2009
Cartilage glycosaminoglycan loss in the acute phase after an anterior cruciate ligament injury: delayed gadolinium‐enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage and synovial …
CJ Tiderius, LE Olsson, F Nyquist, L Dahlberg
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 2005
Uncertainty in illness among patients with chronic heart failure is less in person-centred care than in usual care
K Dudas, LE Olsson, A Wolf, K Swedberg, C Taft, M Schaufelberger, ...
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 12 (6), 521-528, 2013
The integrated care pathway reduced the number of hospital days by half: a prospective comparative study of patients with acute hip fracture
LE Olsson, J Karlsson, I Ekman
Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research 1, 3, 2006
Gd‐DTPA2–‐enhanced MRI of femoral knee cartilage: A dose‐response study in healthy volunteers
CJ Tiderius, LE Olsson, H de Verdier, P Leander, O Ekberg, L Dahlberg
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2001
Musculoskeletal problems among male and female music students
C Zetterberg, H Backlund, J Karlsson, H Werner, L Olsson
Medical Problems of Performing Artists 13 (4), 160-166, 1998
Person-centred care–An approach that improves the discharge process
K Ulin, LE Olsson, A Wolf, I Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 15 (3), e19-e26, 2016
Experiences of person-centred care-patients’ perceptions: qualitative study
TSJ Alharbi, E Carlström, I Ekman, A Jarneborn, LE Olsson
BMC nursing 13, 1-9, 2014
Organizational culture and the implementation of person centered care: Results from a change process in Swedish hospital care
TSJ Alharbi, I Ekman, LE Olsson, K Dudas, E Carlström
Health policy 108 (2-3), 294-301, 2012
Properties of R3SiX compounds and R3Si+ ions: Do silylium ions exist in solution?
L Olsson, CH Ottosson, D Cremer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (28), 7460-7479, 1995
Transition theory
AI Meleis, LM Sawyer, E Im, DKH Messias, K Schumacher
Transitions theory: middle-range and situation specific theories in nursing …, 2010
Person-centred care for patients with chronic heart failure–a cost–utility analysis
E Hansson, I Ekman, K Swedberg, A Wolf, K Dudas, L Ehlers, LE Olsson
European journal of cardiovascular nursing 15 (4), 276-284, 2016
Effects of nursing interventions within an integrated care pathway for patients with hip fracture
LE Olsson, J Karlsson, I Ekman
Journal of advanced nursing 58 (2), 116-125, 2007
Calculation of NMR chemical shifts—the third dimension of quantum chemistry
D Cremer, L Olsson, F Reichel, E Kraka
Israel journal of chemistry 33 (4), 369-385, 1993
Person-centred care compared with standardized care for patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty—a quasi-experimental study
LE Olsson, J Karlsson, U Berg, J Kärrholm, E Hansson
Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research 9, 1-7, 2014
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