Christian Giang
Christian Giang
CTO at Combat IQ, EPFL/ETH/Technion/SUPSI
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Fostering computational thinking through educational robotics: A model for creative computational problem solving
M Chevalier, C Giang, A Piatti, F Mondada
International Journal of STEM Education 7, 1-18, 2020
The role of feedback and guidance as intervention methods to foster computational thinking in educational robotics learning activities for primary school
M Chevalier, C Giang, L El-Hamamsy, E Bonnet, V Papaspyros, JP Pellet, ...
Computers & Education 180, 104431, 2022
Exploring escape games as a teaching tool in educational robotics
C Giang, M Chevalier, L Negrini, R Peleg, E Bonnet, A Piatti, F Mondada
Educational robotics in the context of the maker movement, 95-106, 2020
A multimodal approach to capture post-stroke temporal dynamics of recovery
C Pierella, E Pirondini, N Kinany, M Coscia, C Giang, J Miehlbradt, ...
Journal of neural engineering 17 (4), 045002, 2020
How do pupils perceive educational robotics as a tool to improve their 21st century skills?
L Negrini, C Giang
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society 15 (2), 77-87, 2019
Heuristics for the development and evaluation of educational robotics systems
C Giang, A Piatti, F Mondada
IEEE Transactions on Education 62 (4), 278-287, 2019
Identifying and comparing multi-dimensional student profiles across flipped classrooms
P Mejia-Domenzain, M Marras, C Giang, T Käser
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 90-102, 2022
Motor improvement estimation and task adaptation for personalized robot-aided therapy: a feasibility study
C Giang, E Pirondini, N Kinany, C Pierella, A Panarese, M Coscia, ...
Biomedical engineering online 19, 1-25, 2020
A tangible programming language for the educational robot thymio
A Mussati, C Giang, A Piatti, F Mondada
2019 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and …, 2019
Accessible maker-based approaches to educational robotics in online learning
A Mehrotra, C Giang, L El-Hamamsy, A Guinchard, A Dame, G Zahnd, ...
IEEE Access 9, 96877-96889, 2021
Teachers’ perspective on fostering computational thinking through educational robotics
M Chevalier, L El-Hamamsy, C Giang, B Bruno, F Mondada
International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), 177-185, 2021
Introducing a paper-based programming language for computing education in classrooms
A Mehrotra, C Giang, N Duruz, J Dedelley, A Mussati, M Skweres, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM conference on innovation and technology in …, 2020
Towards the alignment of educational robotics learning systems with classroom activities
C Giang
EPFL, 2020
Early Prediction of Conceptual Understanding in Interactive Simulations.
J Cock, M Marras, C Giang, T Käser
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2021
Have you ever seen a robot? An analysis of children’s drawings between technology and science fiction
C Giang, L Addimando, L Botturi, L Negrini, A Giusti, A Piatti
Journal for STEM education research 6 (2), 232-251, 2023
Evolutionary clustering of apprentices' self-regulated learning behavior in learning journals
P Mejia-Domenzain, M Marras, C Giang, A Cattaneo, T Käser
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 15 (5), 579-593, 2022
Generalisable methods for early prediction in interactive simulations for education
JM Cock, M Marras, C Giang, T Käser
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01457, 2022
Educational robotics in online distance learning: an experience from primary school
C Giang, L Negrini
Robotics in Education: RiE 2021 12, 34-40, 2022
Exploring a handwriting programming language for educational robots
L El-Hamamsy, V Papaspyros, T Kangur, L Mathex, C Giang, M Skweres, ...
Robotics in Education: RiE 2021 12, 268-275, 2022
Educational robotics as a tool to foster 21st century skills
L Negrini, C Giang, G Bonaiuti, JM Cascalho, TT Primo, N Eteokleous
Frontiers in Education 8, 1186029, 2023
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