Nimai Mandal
Nimai Mandal
Principal Scientist & Head, CRURRS, Hazaribag (ICAR-National Rice Research Institute- Cuttack)
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Breeding high-yielding drought-tolerant rice: genetic variations and conventional and molecular approaches
A Kumar, S Dixit, T Ram, RB Yadaw, KK Mishra, NP Mandal
Journal of experimental botany 65 (21), 6265-6278, 2014
From QTL to variety-harnessing the benefits of QTLs for drought, flood and salt tolerance in mega rice varieties of India through a multi-institutional network
R Singh, Y Singh, S Xalaxo, S Verulkar, N Yadav, S Singh, N Singh, ...
Plant Science 242, 278-287, 2016
Breeding resilient and productive genotypes adapted to drought-prone rainfed ecosystem of India
SB Verulkar, NP Mandal, JL Dwivedi, BN Singh, PK Sinha, RN Mahato, ...
Field Crops Research 117 (2-3), 197-208, 2010
Genetic, physiological, and gene expression analyses reveal that multiple QTL enhance yield of rice mega-variety IR64 under drought
HU Swamy BPM, Ahmed, A Henry, R Mauleon, S Dixit, P Vikram, R Tilatto, ...
PLoS One 8 (5), e62795, 2013
Drought yield index to select high yielding rice lines under different drought stress severities
A Raman, S Verulkar, N Mandal, M Variar, V Shukla, J Dwivedi, B Singh, ...
Rice 5, 1-12, 2012
Characterization of the effect of a QTL for drought resistance in rice, qtl12.1, over a range of environments in the Philippines and eastern India
J Bernier, A Kumar, R Venuprasad, D Spaner, S Verulkar, NP Mandal, ...
Euphytica 166, 207-217, 2009
Molecular screening for identification of blast resistance genes in North East and Eastern Indian rice germplasm (Oryza sativa L.) with PCR based makers
J Imam, S Alam, NP Mandal, M Variar, P Shukla
Euphytica 196, 199-211, 2014
High-yielding, drought-tolerant, stable rice genotypes for the shallow rainfed lowland drought-prone ecosystem
A Kumar, SB Verulkar, NP Mandal, M Variar, VD Shukla, JL Dwivedi, ...
Field crops research 133, 37-47, 2012
Marker assisted breeding to develop multiple stress tolerant varieties for flood and drought prone areas
N Sandhu, S Dixit, BPM Swamy, A Raman, S Kumar, SP Singh, ...
Rice 12, 1-16, 2019
Comparing farmers and breeders rankings in varietal selection for low-input environments: A case study of rainfed rice in eastern India
B Courtois, B Bartholome, D Chaudhary, G McLaren, CH Misra, ...
Euphytica 122, 537-550, 2001
Implications of genotype× input interactions in breeding superior genotypes for favorable and unfavorable rainfed upland environments
NP Mandal, PK Sinha, M Variar, VD Shukla, P Perraju, A Mehta, ...
Field Crops Research 118 (2), 135-144, 2010
Genetic diversity analysis of rice germplasm in Tripura State of Northeast India using drought and blast linked markers
A Anupam, J Imam, SM Quatadah, A Siddaiah, SP Das, M Variar, ...
Rice Science 24 (1), 10-20, 2017
Physiological mechanisms contributing to the QTL-combination effects on improved performance of IR64 rice NILs under drought
A Henry, BPM Swamy, S Dixit, RD Torres, TC Batoto, M Manalili, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (7), 1787-1799, 2015
Rice breeding for yield under drought has selected for longer flag leaves and lower stomatal density
S Kumar, S Tripathi, SP Singh, A Prasad, F Akter, MA Syed, J Badri, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (13), 4981-4992, 2021
Genetic gain for rice yield in rainfed environments in India
A Kumar, A Raman, S Yadav, SB Verulkar, NP Mandal, ON Singh, ...
Field Crops Research 260, 107977, 2021
Epistatic interactions of major effect drought QTLs with genetic background loci determine grain yield of rice under drought stress
S Yadav, N Sandhu, RR Majumder, S Dixit, S Kumar, SP Singh, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 2616, 2019
Trait combinations that improve rice yield under drought: Sahbhagi Dhan and new drought‐tolerant varieties in South Asia
MS Anantha, D Patel, M Quintana, P Swain, JL Dwivedi, RO Torres, ...
Crop Science 56 (1), 408-421, 2016
Genotype× environment interactions for grain iron and zinc content in rice
SM Naik, AK Raman, M Nagamallika, C Venkateshwarlu, SP Singh, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (11), 4150-4164, 2020
Microbial interactions in plants: perspectives and applications of proteomics
J Imam, P Shukla, N Prasad Mandal, M Variar
Current Protein and Peptide Science 18 (9), 956-965, 2017
Grain yield and physiological traits of rice lines with the drought yield QTL qDTY12. 1 showed different responses to drought and soil characteristics in upland environments
A Henry, S Dixit, NP Mandal, MS Anantha, R Torres, A Kumar
Functional Plant Biology 41 (11), 1066-1077, 2014
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