Yuhao Kang
Yuhao Kang
Assistant Professor, GISense Lab, The University of Texas at Austin & GISphere
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na austin.utexas.edu - Domača stran
Mapping county-level mobility pattern changes in the United States in response to COVID-19
S Gao, J Rao, Y Kang, Y Liang, J Kruse
SIGSpatial Special 12 (1), 16-26, 2020
Multiscale dynamic human mobility flow dataset in the US during the COVID-19 epidemic
Y Kang, S Gao, Y Liang, M Li, J Rao, J Kruse
Scientific Data, 2020
Association of mobile phone location data indications of travel and stay-at-home mandates with COVID-19 infection rates in the US
S Gao, J Rao, Y Kang, Y Liang, J Kruse, D Dopfer, AK Sethi, JFM Reyes, ...
JAMA network open 3 (9), e2020485-e2020485, 2020
A review of urban physical environment sensing using street view imagery in public health studies
Y Kang, F Zhang, S Gao, H Lin, Y Liu
Annals of GIS 26 (3), 261-275, 2020
Understanding house price appreciation using multi-source big geo-data and machine learning
Y Kang, F Zhang, W Peng, S Gao, J Rao, F Duarte, C Ratti
Land Use Policy 111, 104919, 2020
LSTM-TrajGAN: A deep learning approach to trajectory privacy protection
J Rao, S Gao, Y Kang, Q Huang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.10521, 2020
Intracounty modeling of COVID-19 infection with human mobility: Assessing spatial heterogeneity with business traffic, age, and race
X Hou, S Gao, Q Li, Y Kang, N Chen, K Chen, J Rao, JS Ellenberg, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (24), e2020524118, 2021
“Perception bias”: Deciphering a mismatch between urban crime and perception of safety
F Zhang, Z Fan, Y Kang, Y Hu, C Ratti
Landscape and Urban Planning 207, 104003, 2021
Uncovering inconspicuous places using social media check-ins and street view images
F Zhang, J Zu, M Hu, D Zhu, Y Kang, S Gao, Y Zhang, Z Huang
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 81, 101478, 2020
Transferring multiscale map styles using generative adversarial networks
Y Kang, S Gao, RE Roth
International Journal of Cartography 5 (2-3), 115-141, 2019
Towards feasibility of photovoltaic road for urban traffic-solar energy estimation using street view image
Z Liu, A Yang, M Gao, H Jiang, Y Kang, F Zhang, T Fei
Journal of Cleaner Production 228, 303-318, 2019
Extracting human emotions at different places based on facial expressions and spatial clustering analysis
Y Kang, Q Jia, S Gao, X Zeng, Y Wang, S Angsuesser, Y Liu, X Ye, T Fei
Transactions in GIS 3 (23), 450-480, 2019
Estimation of Regional economic Development Indicator from Transportation Network Analytics
B Li, S Gao, Y Liang, Y Kang, T Prestby, Y Gao, R Xiao
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-15, 2020
Human settlement value assessment from a place perspective: Considering human dynamics and perceptions in house price modeling
Y Kang, F Zhang, S Gao, W Peng, C Ratti
Cities 118, 103333, 2021
Places for play: Understanding human perception of playability in cities using street view images and deep learning
J Kruse, Y Kang, YN Liu, F Zhang, S Gao
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 90, 101693, 2021
Identification and classification of Wuhan urban districts based on POI
Y Kang, Y Wang, Z Xia, J Chi, L Jiao, Z Wei
Journal of Geomatics 43 (1), 81-85, 2018
The financial impact of street-level greenery on New York commercial buildings
J Yang, H Rong, Y Kang, F Zhang, A Chegut
Landscape and Urban Planning 214, 104162, 2021
Understanding neighborhood isolation through spatial interaction network analysis using location big data
T Prestby, J App, Y Kang, S Gao
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2019
The impacts of the built environment on bicycle-metro transfer trips: A new method to delineate metro catchment area based on people's actual cycling space
X Wu, Y Lu, Y Gong, Y Kang, L Yang, Z Gou
Journal of Transport Geography 97, 103215, 2021
State-specific Projection of COVID-19 Infection in the United States and Evaluation of Three Major Control Measures
S Chen, Q Li, S Gao, Y Kang, X Shi
Scientific Reports, 2020
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