Timo Gerres
Timo Gerres
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na comillas.edu - Domača stran
A review of cross-sector decarbonisation potentials in the European energy intensive industry
T Gerres, JPC Ávila, PL Llamas, TG San Román
Journal of cleaner production 210, 585-601, 2019
A green COVID-19 recovery of the EU basic materials sector: identifying potentials, barriers and policy solutions
O Chiappinelli, T Gerres, K Neuhoff, F Lettow, H de Coninck, B Felsmann, ...
Climate Policy 21 (10), 1328-1346, 2021
Rethinking the electricity market design: Remuneration mechanisms to reach high RES shares. Results from a Spanish case study
T Gerres, JPC Ávila, FM Martínez, MR Abbad, RC Arín, ÁS Miralles, ...
Energy Policy 129, 1320-1330, 2019
Building blocks for a climateneutral European industrial sector: policies to create markets for climate-friendly materials to boost EU global competitiveness and jobs
K Neuhoff, O Chiappinelli, T Gerres, M Haussner, R Ismer, N May, A Pirlot, ...
Climate Strategies, 2019
Green steel production: how G7 countries can help change the global landscape
T Gerres, J Lehne, G Mete, S Schenk, C Swalec
Leadership group for industry transition, 2021
Carbon Contracts for Differences: their role in European industrial decarbonization
T Gerres
Climate Strategies, 2020
To ban or not to ban carbon‐intensive materials: A legal and administrative assessment of product carbon requirements
T Gerres, M Haussner, K Neuhoff, A Pirlot
Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 30 (2 …, 2021
Green steel tracker
V Vogl, F Sanchez, T Gerres, F Lettow, A Bhaskar, C Swalec, G Mete, ...
El sector eléctrico español del futuro: retos y políticas
P Linares, P Rodilla, T Gómez, M Rivier, P Frías, JP Chaves, A Sánchez, ...
Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica, 2018
Carbon Contracts for Differences (CCfDs) in a European context
T Gerres, P Linares
The Greens/EFA, Climate Strategies, 2022
The effects of industrial policymaking on the economics of low-emission technologies: The TRANSid model
T Gerres, JP Chaves, P Linares
Energy Storage and Saving 2 (3), 513-521, 2023
Análisis de escenarios futuros para el sector eléctrico en España para el período 2025-2050
M Rivier, M Rivier
Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2018
Multi-criteria decision-making for renewable hydrogen production site selection: a systematic literature review
S Serna, T Gerres, R Cossent
Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 10 (3), 119-129, 2023
Green Steel tracker, 2021
V Vogl, F Sanchez, T Gerres, F Lettow, A Bhaskar, C Swalec, G Mete, ...
Green Steel Tracker, Version 11/2021, 2021
Closing the green deal for industry
K Neuhoff, O Chiappinelli, J Richstein, H Conninck, P Linares, T Gerres
Climate Strategies. Verfügbar unter: https://climatestrategies. org …, 2021
Green steel tracker: Lead it group for industry transition
V Vogl, F Sanchez, T Gerres, F Lettow, A Bhaskar, C Swalec, G Mete, ...
Finding tipping points in the global steel sector: A comparison of companies in Australia, Austria, South Korea and the USA
R Maier, T Gerres, A Tuerk, F Mey
Global Environmental Change 86, 102846, 2024
Estrategias nacionales sobre el hidrógeno: elementos de diseño comunes y lecciones aprendidas
S Serna, T Gerres, R Cossent
Papeles de economía española, 51-251, 2022
Understanding the implications of industrial decarbonisation: A multidisciplinary approach towards the transition of the basic materials industry and its impact on our energy …
T Gerres
Comillas Pontifical University, 2022
National hydrogen strategies in a global context: common design elements across country specific visions
T Gerres, S Serna Zuluaga, R Cossent Arín
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