Konstantin (Kostya) Turitsyn
Konstantin (Kostya) Turitsyn
D.E. Shaw Group
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Options for control of reactive power by distributed photovoltaic generators
K Turitsyn, P Sulc, S Backhaus, M Chertkov
Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (6), 1063-1073, 2011
Distributed control of reactive power flow in a radial distribution circuit with high photovoltaic penetration
K Turitsyn, P Sulc, S Backhaus, M Chertkov
Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010 IEEE, 1-6, 2010
Lyapunov functions family approach to transient stability assessment
TL Vu, K Turitsyn
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (2), 1269 - 1277, 2015
Local control of reactive power by distributed photovoltaic generators
K Turitsyn, P Sulc, S Backhaus, M Chertkov
2010 first IEEE international conference on smart grid communications, 79-84, 2010
High-Fidelity Model Order Reduction for Microgrids Stability Assessment
P Vorobev, PH Huang, M Al Hosani, JL Kirtley, K Turitsyn
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 874-887, 2018
Convective instability and mass transport of diffusion layers in a Hele-Shaw geometry
S Backhaus, K Turitsyn, RE Ecke
Physical review letters 106 (10), 104501, 2011
Information capacity of optical fiber channels with zero average dispersion
KS Turitsyn, SA Derevyanko, IV Yurkevich, SK Turitsyn
Physical Review Letters 91 (20), 203901, 2003
Irreversible Monte Carlo algorithms for efficient sampling
KS Turitsyn, M Chertkov, M Vucelja
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 240 (4-5), 410-414, 2011
Dynamics of nearly spherical vesicles in an external flow
VV Lebedev, KS Turitsyn, SS Vergeles
Physical Review Letters 99 (21), 218101, 2007
Micro water–energy nexus: Optimal demand-side management and quasi-convex hull relaxation
Q Li, S Yu, AS Al-Sumaiti, K Turitsyn
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 6 (4), 1313-1322, 2018
Adaptive voltage and frequency control of islanded multi-microgrids
DO Amoateng, M Al Hosani, MS Elmoursi, K Turitsyn, JL Kirtley
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (4), 4454-4465, 2017
Numerical polynomial homotopy continuation method to locate all the power flow solutions
D Mehta, H Nguyen, K Turitsyn
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (12), 2972-2980, 2014
A framework for robust assessment of power grid stability and resiliency
TL Vu, K Turitsyn
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016
Robust broadcast-communication control of electric vehicle charging
K Turitsyn, N Sinitsyn, S Backhaus, M Chertkov
SmartGridComm, IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications …, 2010
Deadbands, droop, and inertia impact on power system frequency distribution
P Vorobev, DM Greenwood, JH Bell, JW Bialek, PC Taylor, K Turitsyn
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (4), 3098-3108, 2019
Polymer statistics in a random flow with mean shear
M Chertkov, I Kolokolov, V Lebedev, K Turitsyn
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 531, 251-260, 2005
Nearly spherical vesicles in an external flow
VV Lebedev, KS Turitsyn, SS Vergeles
New journal of Physics 10 (4), 043044, 2008
Model predictive control of indoor microclimate: existing building stock comfort improvement
A Ryzhov, H Ouerdane, E Gryazina, A Bischi, K Turitsyn
Energy conversion and management 179, 219-228, 2019
Polymers in linear shear flow: a numerical study
A Celani, A Puliafito, K Turitsyn
Europhysics Letters 70 (4), 464, 2005
PMU-based estimation of dynamic state jacobian matrix and dynamic system state matrix in ambient conditions
X Wang, JW Bialek, K Turitsyn
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 681-690, 2018
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