Titus von der Malsburg
Titus von der Malsburg
Institute of Linguistics, University of Stuttgart
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False positives and other statistical errors in standard analyses of eye movements in reading
T von der Malsburg, B Angele
Journal of Memory and Language 94, 119-133, 2015
What is the scanpath signature of syntactic reanalysis?
T von der Malsburg, S Vasishth
Journal of Memory and Language 65 (2), 109--127, 2011
Scanpaths reveal syntactic underspecification and reanalysis strategies
T von der Malsburg, S Vasishth
Language and Cognitive Processes 28 (10), 1545–1578, 2013
The importance of reading naturally: Evidence from combined recordings of eye movements and electric brain potentials
P Metzner, T Von Der Malsburg, S Vasishth, F Rösler
Cognitive Science, 2016
What eye movements can tell us about sentence comprehension
S Vasishth, T von der Malsburg, F Engelmann
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 4 (2), 125-134, 2013
Incremental language comprehension difficulty predicts activity in the language network but not the multiple demand network
L Wehbe, IA Blank, C Shain, R Futrell, R Levy, T von der Malsburg, ...
Cerebral Cortex 31 (9), 4006-4023, 2021
Determinants of scanpath regularity in reading
T Von Der Malsburg, R Kliegl, S Vasishth
Cognitive science 39 (7), 1675-1703, 2015
Using eye‐tracking measures to predict reading comprehension
DC Mézière, L Yu, ED Reichle, T Von Der Malsburg, G McArthur
Reading Research Quarterly 58 (3), 425-449, 2023
Brain responses to world knowledge violations: a comparison of stimulus-and fixation-triggered event-related potentials and neural oscillations
P Metzner, T von der Malsburg, S Vasishth, F Rösler
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27 (5), 1017–1028, 2015
Implicit Gender Bias in Linguistic Descriptions for Expected Events: The Cases of the 2016 United States and 2017 United Kingdom Elections
T von der Malsburg, T Poppels, RP Levy
Psychological Science 31 (2), 115-128, 2020
When your mind skips what your eyes fixate: How forced fixations lead to comprehension illusions in reading
ER Schotter, M Leinenger, T von der Malsburg
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 25, 1884-1890, 2018
Semantic attraction in sentence comprehension
A Laurinavichyute, T von der Malsburg
Cognitive Science 46 (2), e13086, 2022
Forced fixations, trans-saccadic integration, and word recognition: Evidence for a hybrid mechanism of saccade triggering in reading.
ER Schotter, T von der Malsburg, M Leinenger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (4), 677, 2019
Monolingual and bilingual reading processes in Russian: An exploratory scanpath analysis
O Parshina, IA Sekerina, A Lopukhina, T Von Der Malsburg
Reading Research Quarterly 57 (2), 469-492, 2022
Quadruplex negatio invertit? The on-line processing of depth charge sentences
D Paape, S Vasishth, T von der Malsburg
Journal of Semantics, 2020
Py-Span-Task: A software for testing working memory span
T von der Malsburg
Zenodo. doi 10, 2015
Agreement attraction in grammatical sentences and the role of the task
A Laurinavichyute, T Von der Malsburg
Journal of Memory and Language 137, 104525, 2024
Saccades: Detection of fixations in eye-tracking data
T von der Malsburg
R package version 0.1-1. URL http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= saccades, 2015
Shared syntax between comprehension and production: Multi-paradigm evidence that resumptive pronouns hinder comprehension
AM Morgan, T von der Malsburg, VS Ferreira, E Wittenberg
Cognition, 2020
Scanpath regularity as an index of reading comprehension
DC Mézière, L Yu, G McArthur, ED Reichle, T von der Malsburg
Scientific Studies of Reading, 1-22, 2023
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