Peter C. Boxall
Peter C. Boxall
Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, University of Alberta
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ualberta.ca
Stated preference approaches for measuring passive use values: choice experiments and contingent valuation
W Adamowicz, P Boxall, M Williams, J Louviere
American journal of agricultural economics 80 (1), 64-75, 1998
Understanding heterogeneous preferences in random utility models: a latent class approach
PC Boxall, WL Adamowicz
Environmental and resource economics 23, 421-446, 2002
A comparison of stated preference methods for environmental valuation
PC Boxall, WL Adamowicz, J Swait, M Williams, J Louviere
Ecological economics 18 (3), 243-253, 1996
Perceptions versus objective measures of environmental quality in combined revealed and stated preference models of environmental valuation
W Adamowicz, J Swait, P Boxall, J Louviere, M Williams
Journal of environmental economics and management 32 (1), 65-84, 1997
The Oxford handbook of human resource management
PF Boxall, J Purcell, PM Wright
Oxford Handbooks Online, 2007
Do ethical consumers care about price? A revealed preference analysis of fair trade coffee purchases
C Arnot, PC Boxall, SB Cash
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2006
The impact of oil and natural gas facilities on rural residential property values: a spatial hedonic analysis
PC Boxall, WH Chan, ML McMillan
Resource and energy economics 27 (3), 248-269, 2005
Multiple-use management of forest recreation sites: a spatially explicit choice experiment
P Horne, PC Boxall, WL Adamowicz
Forest ecology and management 207 (1-2), 189-199, 2005
Complexity in choice experiments: choice of the status quo alternative and implications for welfare measurement
P Boxall, WL Adamowicz, A Moon
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 53 (4), 503-519, 2009
Factors influencing forest values and attitudes of two stakeholder groups: The case of the Foothills Model Forest, Alberta, Canada
BL McFarlane, PC Boxall
Society & Natural Resources 13 (7), 649-661, 2000
Future directions of stated choice methods for environment valuation
V Adamowicz, P Boxall
workshop on Choice Experiments: A New Approach to Environmental Valuation, 2001
What is tenure security? Conceptual implications for empirical analysis
CD Arnot, MK Luckert, PC Boxall
Land Economics 87 (2), 297-311, 2011
The role of social psychological and social structural variables in environmental activism: An example of the forest sector
BL McFarlane, PC Boxall
Journal of environmental psychology 23 (1), 79-87, 2003
The influence of place attachment on recreation demand
G Hailu, PC Boxall, BL McFarlane
Journal of Economic Psychology 26 (4), 581-598, 2005
Exploring the preferences of wildlife recreationists for features of boreal forest management: a choice experiment approach
PC Boxall, B Macnab
Canadian Journal of forest research 30 (12), 1931-1941, 2000
Past experience and behavioral choice among wilderness users
BL McFarlane, PC Boxall, DO Watson
Journal of Leisure Research 30 (2), 195-213, 1998
Participation in wildlife conservation by birdwatchers
BL McFarlane, PC Boxall
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 1 (3), 1-14, 1996
Modeling recreation site choice: do hypothetical choices reflect actual behavior?
MK Haener, PC Boxall, WL Adamowicz
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83 (3), 629-642, 2001
Influence of choice set considerations in modeling the benefits from improved water quality
T Peters, WL Adamowicz, PC Boxall
Water Resources Research 31 (7), 1781-1787, 1995
Influence of health and environmental information on hedonic evaluation of organic and conventional bread
LE Annett, V Muralidharan, PC Boxall, SB Cash, WV Wismer
Journal of food Science 73 (4), H50-H57, 2008
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