Peter Lehmann
Peter Lehmann
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na env.ethz.ch
Characteristic lengths affecting evaporative drying of porous media
P Lehmann, S Assouline, D Or
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (5 …, 2008
Advances in soil evaporation physics—A review
D Or, P Lehmann, E Shahraeeni, N Shokri
Vadose Zone Journal 12 (4), vzj2012. 0163, 2013
Quantifying the role of vegetation in slope stability: A case study in Tuscany (Italy)
M Schwarz, F Preti, F Giadrossich, P Lehmann, D Or
Ecological Engineering 36 (3), 285-291, 2010
Quantifying lateral root reinforcement in steep slopes–from a bundle of roots to tree stands
M Schwarz, P Lehmann, D Or
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2010
Prediction of capillary hysteresis in a porous material using lattice-Boltzmann methods and comparison to experimental data and a morphological pore network model
B Ahrenholz, J Tölke, P Lehmann, A Peters, A Kaestner, M Krafczyk, ...
Advances in Water Resources 31 (9), 1151-1173, 2008
Drying front and water content dynamics during evaporation from sand delineated by neutron radiography
N Shokri, P Lehmann, P Vontobel, D Or
Water resources research 44 (6), 2008
Coupling of evaporative fluxes from drying porous surfaces with air boundary layer: Characteristics of evaporation from discrete pores
E Shahraeeni, P Lehmann, D Or
Water Resources Research 48 (9), 2012
Critical evaluation of enhancement factors for vapor transport through unsaturated porous media
N Shokri, P Lehmann, D Or
Water resources research 45 (10), 2009
Rainfall threshold for hillslope outflow: an emergent property of flow pathway connectivity
P Lehmann, C Hinz, G McGrath, HJ Tromp-van Meerveld, JJ McDonnell
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11 (2), 1047-1063, 2007
Monitoring and prediction in early warning systems for rapid mass movements
M Stähli, M Sättele, C Huggel, BW McArdell, P Lehmann, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 15 (4), 905-917, 2015
Characteristics of evaporation from partially wettable porous media
N Shokri, P Lehmann, D Or
Water Resources Research 45 (2), 2009
Temporal variation in N2O and N2 Fluxes from a permanent pasture in Switzerland in relation to management, soil water content and soil temperature
A Rudaz, E Wälti, G Kyburz, P Lehmann, J Fuhrer
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 73, 83-91, 1999
Evaporation from layered porous media
N Shokri, P Lehmann, D Or
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B6), 2010
Assessing the potential of soil moisture measurements for regional landslide early warning
A Wicki, P Lehmann, C Hauck, SI Seneviratne, P Waldner, M Stähli
Landslides 17, 1881-1896, 2020
Unsaturated water flow across soil aggregate contacts
A Carminati, A Kaestner, P Lehmann, H Flühler
Advances in water resources 31 (9), 1221-1232, 2008
Evaporation and capillary coupling across vertical textural contrasts in porous media
P Lehmann, D Or
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (4 …, 2009
Evaporation rates across a convective air boundary layer are dominated by diffusion
E Haghighi, E Shahraeeni, P Lehmann, D Or
Water Resources Research 49 (3), 1602-1610, 2013
Effect of hysteresis on water flow in a sand column with a fluctuating capillary fringe
P Lehmann, F Stauffer, C Hinz, O Dury, H Flühler
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 33 (1-2), 81-100, 1998
Hydromechanical triggering of landslides: From progressive local failures to mass release
P Lehmann, D Or
Water Resources Research 48 (3), 2012
Effects of hydrophobic layers on evaporation from porous media
N Shokri, P Lehmann, D Or
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (19), 2008
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