Reservoir simulation of CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers A Kumar, R Ozah, M Noh, GA Pope, S Bryant, K Sepehrnoori, LW Lake SPE journal 10 (03), 336-348, 2005 | 730 | 2005 |
Gas flow in ultra-tight shale strata H Darabi, A Ettehad, F Javadpour, K Sepehrnoori Journal of Fluid Mechanics 710, 641-658, 2012 | 654 | 2012 |
Development of an efficient embedded discrete fracture model for 3D compositional reservoir simulation in fractured reservoirs A Moinfar, A Varavei, K Sepehrnoori, RT Johns SPE Journal 19 (02), 289-303, 2014 | 620 | 2014 |
A compositional simulator for modeling surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation, 1 formulation M Delshad, GA Pope, K Sepehrnoori Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 23 (4), 303-327, 1996 | 617 | 1996 |
CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery in Bakken tight oil reservoirs W Yu, HR Lashgari, K Wu, K Sepehrnoori Fuel 159, 354-363, 2015 | 554 | 2015 |
Partitioning tracer test for detection, estimation, and remediation performance assessment of subsurface nonaqueous phase liquids M Jin, M Delshad, V Dwarakanath, DC McKinney, GA Pope, ... Water Resources Research 31 (5), 1201-1211, 1995 | 485 | 1995 |
A comprehensive review of low salinity/engineered water injections and their applications in sandstone and carbonate rocks EW Al-Shalabi, K Sepehrnoori Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 139, 137-161, 2016 | 370 | 2016 |
New trapping mechanism in carbon sequestration E Saadatpoor, SL Bryant, K Sepehrnoori Transport in porous media 82, 3-17, 2010 | 368 | 2010 |
Simulation Study of CO2 Huff-n-Puff Process in Bakken Tight Oil Reservoirs W Yu, HR Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori SPE Western Regional Meeting, SPE-169575-MS, 2014 | 352 | 2014 |
Discrete-fracture modeling of complex hydraulic-fracture geometries in reservoir simulators Y Xu, JS Cavalcante Filho, W Yu, K Sepehrnoori SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 20 (02), 403-422, 2017 | 346 | 2017 |
Simulation of gas desorption and geomechanics effects for unconventional gas reservoirs W Yu, K Sepehrnoori SPE Western Regional Meeting, SPE-165377-MS, 2013 | 291 | 2013 |
A mechanistic model of wormhole growth in carbonate matrix acidizing and acid fracturing KM Hung, AD Hill, K Sepehrnoori Journal of petroleum technology 41 (01), 59-66, 1989 | 262 | 1989 |
Modeling gas adsorption in Marcellus shale with Langmuir and bet isotherms W Yu, K Sepehrnoori, TW Patzek Spe Journal 21 (02), 589-600, 2016 | 251 | 2016 |
Development of a coupled dual continuum and discrete fracture model for the simulation of unconventional reservoirs A Moinfar, A Varavei, K Sepehrnoori, RT Johns SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, SPE-163647-MS, 2013 | 246 | 2013 |
A laboratory and simulation study of preformed particle gels for water conformance control A Goudarzi, H Zhang, A Varavei, P Taksaudom, Y Hu, M Delshad, B Bai, ... Fuel 140, 502-513, 2015 | 194 | 2015 |
Optimization of multiple hydraulically fractured horizontal wells in unconventional gas reservoirs W Yu, K Sepehrnoori SPE Oklahoma City Oil and Gas Symposium/Production and Operations Symposium …, 2013 | 193 | 2013 |
Performance evaluation of CO2 Huff-n-Puff and continuous CO2 injection in tight oil reservoirs P Zuloaga, W Yu, J Miao, K Sepehrnoori Energy 134, 181-192, 2017 | 192 | 2017 |
Enhanced oil recovery from high-temperature, high-salinity naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs by surfactant flood J Lu, A Goudarzi, P Chen, DH Kim, M Delshad, KK Mohanty, ... Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 124, 122-131, 2014 | 192 | 2014 |
Simulation of surfactant‐enhanced aquifer remediation CL Brown, GA Pope, LM Abriola, K Sepehrnoori Water Resources Research 30 (11), 2959-2977, 1994 | 190 | 1994 |
A critical review on use of polymer microgels for conformance control purposes M Abdulbaki, C Huh, K Sepehrnoori, M Delshad, A Varavei Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, 741-753, 2014 | 189 | 2014 |