Rodrigo Bonifacio
Rodrigo Bonifacio
Computer Science Department, University of Brasilia
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cic.unb.br - Domača stran
Adopting DevOps in the real world: A theory, a model, and a case study
WP Luz, G Pinto, R Bonifácio
Journal of Systems and Software 157, 110384, 2019
Are static analysis violations really fixed? a closer look at realistic usage of sonarqube
D Marcilio, R Bonifácio, E Monteiro, E Canedo, W Luz, G Pinto
2019 IEEE/ACM 27th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC …, 2019
Modeling scenario variability as crosscutting mechanisms
R Bonifácio, P Borba
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Aspect-oriented …, 2009
Building a collaborative culture: A grounded theory of well succeeded DevOps adoption in practice
W Luz, G Pinto, R Bonifácio
12th International Symposium on 
 Empirical Software Engineering and …, 2018
Work practices and perceptions from women core developers in oss communities
ED Canedo, R Bonifácio, MV Okimoto, A Serebrenik, G Pinto, E Monteiro
Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2020
SpongeBugs: Automatically generating fix suggestions in response to static code analysis warnings
D Marcilio, CA Furia, R Bonifácio, G Pinto
Journal of Systems and Software 168, 110671, 2020
An Experience Report on the Adoption of Microservices in Three Brazilian Government Institutions
W Luz, E Agilar, MC de Oliveira, CER de Melo, G Pinto, R Bonifácio
Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 32-41, 2018
Understanding the exception handling strategies of Java libraries: An empirical study
D Sena, R Coelho, U Kulesza, R Bonifácio
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mining Software …, 2016
Extraction of configurable and reusable microservices from legacy systems: An exploratory study
L Carvalho, A Garcia, WKG Assunção, R Bonifácio, LP Tizzei, TE Colanzi
Proceedings of the 23rd international systems and software product line …, 2019
Work practices and challenges in continuous integration: A survey with Travis CI users
G Pinto, F Castor, R Bonifacio, M Rebouças
Software: Practice and Experience 48 (12), 2223-2236, 2018
The discipline of preprocessor-based annotations-does# ifdef tag n't# endif matter
R Malaquias, M Ribeiro, R Bonifácio, E Monteiro, F Medeiros, A Garcia, ...
2017 IEEE/ACM 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC …, 2017
Does the introduction of lambda expressions improve the comprehension of java programs?
W Lucas, R Bonifácio, ED Canedo, D Marcílio, F Lima
Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian symposium on software engineering, 187-196, 2019
C-3PR: A Bot for Fixing Static Analysis Violations via Pull Requests
A Carvalho, W Luz, D Marcilio, R Bonifácio, G Pinto, ED Canedo
SANER 2020, 2020
Breaking one barrier at a time: how women developers cope in a men-dominated industry
ED Canedo, F Mendes, A Cerqueira, M Okimoto, G Pinto, R Bonifacio
Proceedings of the XXXV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 378-387, 2021
Managing variability in business processes: an aspect-oriented approach
I Machado, R Bonifácio, V Alves, L Turnes, G Machado
Proceedings of the 2011 international workshop on Early aspects, 25-30, 2011
Hephaestus: A tool for managing product line variabilities
R Bonifácio, L Teixeira, P Borba
III SBCARS, 26-34, 2009
Privacy requirements elicitation: a systematic literature review and perception analysis of IT practitioners
ED Canedo, IN Bandeira, ATS Calazans, PHT Costa, ECR Cançado, ...
Requirements Engineering 28 (2), 177-194, 2023
Semantic dependencies and modularity of aspect-oriented software
AC Neto, M de Medeiros Ribeiro, M Dósea, R Bonifácio, P Borba, ...
First International Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization …, 2007
Improving student’s learning and cooperation skills using coding dojos (in the wild!)
CMC de Oliveira, ED Canedo, H Faria, LHV Amaral, R Bonifácio
2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-8, 2018
Automatically generating fix suggestions in response to static code analysis warnings
D Marcilio, CA Furia, R Bonifácio, G Pinto
2019 19th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2019
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