The fusiform face area: a module in human extrastriate cortex specialized for face perception N Kanwisher, J McDermott, MM Chun Journal of neuroscience 17 (11), 4302-4311, 1997 | 10056 | 1997 |
The sound of pixels H Zhao, C Gan, A Rouditchenko, C Vondrick, J McDermott, A Torralba Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 570-586, 2018 | 626 | 2018 |
A task-optimized neural network replicates human auditory behavior, predicts brain responses, and reveals a cortical processing hierarchy AJE Kell, DLK Yamins, EN Shook, SV Norman-Haignere, JH McDermott Neuron 98 (3), 630-644. e16, 2018 | 621 | 2018 |
Headphone screening to facilitate web-based auditory experiments KJP Woods, MH Siegel, J Traer, JH McDermott Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 2064-2072, 2017 | 497 | 2017 |
Ambient sound provides supervision for visual learning A Owens, J Wu, JH McDermott, WT Freeman, A Torralba Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016 | 492 | 2016 |
Visually indicated sounds A Owens, P Isola, J McDermott, A Torralba, EH Adelson, WT Freeman Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016 | 475 | 2016 |
Sound texture perception via statistics of the auditory periphery: evidence from sound synthesis JH McDermott, EP Simoncelli Neuron 71 (5), 926-940, 2011 | 468 | 2011 |
The cocktail party problem JH McDermott Current Biology 19 (22), R1024-R1027, 2009 | 447 | 2009 |
The origins of music: Innateness, uniqueness, and evolution J McDermott, M Hauser Music perception 23 (1), 29-59, 2005 | 447 | 2005 |
Distinct cortical pathways for music and speech revealed by hypothesis-free voxel decomposition S Norman-Haignere, NG Kanwisher, JH McDermott neuron 88 (6), 1281-1296, 2015 | 445 | 2015 |
Indifference to dissonance in native Amazonians reveals cultural variation in music perception JH McDermott, AF Schultz, EA Undurraga, RA Godoy Nature 535 (7613), 547-550, 2016 | 402 | 2016 |
The evolution of the music faculty: A comparative perspective MD Hauser, J McDermott Nature neuroscience 6 (7), 663-668, 2003 | 400 | 2003 |
Individual differences reveal the basis of consonance JH McDermott, AJ Lehr, AJ Oxenham Current Biology 20 (11), 1035-1041, 2010 | 353 | 2010 |
Spatial frequency and orientation tuning dynamics in area V1 JA Mazer, WE Vinje, J McDermott, PH Schiller, JL Gallant Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (3), 1645-1650, 2002 | 346 | 2002 |
Threedworld: A platform for interactive multi-modal physical simulation C Gan, J Schwartz, S Alter, D Mrowca, M Schrimpf, J Traer, J De Freitas, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04954, 2020 | 327 | 2020 |
Functional imaging of human visual recognition N Kanwisher, MM Chun, J McDermott, PJ Ledden Cognitive Brain Research 5 (1-2), 55-67, 1996 | 324 | 1996 |
Summary statistics in auditory perception JH McDermott, M Schemitsch, EP Simoncelli Nature neuroscience 16 (4), 493-498, 2013 | 287 | 2013 |
Music perception, pitch, and the auditory system JH McDermott, AJ Oxenham Current opinion in neurobiology 18 (4), 452-463, 2008 | 287 | 2008 |
Integer ratio priors on musical rhythm revealed cross-culturally by iterated reproduction N Jacoby, JH McDermott Current Biology 27 (3), 359-370, 2017 | 271 | 2017 |
The cortical analysis of speech-specific temporal structure revealed by responses to sound quilts T Overath, JH McDermott, JM Zarate, D Poeppel Nature neuroscience 18 (6), 903-911, 2015 | 224 | 2015 |