Lynn Russell
Lynn Russell
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ucsd.edu - Domača stran
A large organic aerosol source in the free troposphere missing from current models
CL Heald, DJ Jacob, RJ Park, LM Russell, BJ Huebert, JH Seinfeld, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (18), 2005
Bringing the ocean into the laboratory to probe the chemical complexity of sea spray aerosol
KA Prather, TH Bertram, VH Grassian, GB Deane, MD Stokes, PJ DeMott, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (19), 7550-7555, 2013
Critical assessment of the current state of scientific knowledge, terminology, and research needs concerning the role of organic aerosols in the atmosphere, climate, and global …
S Fuzzi, MO Andreae, BJ Huebert, M Kulmala, TC Bond, M Boy, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6 (7), 2017-2038, 2006
Elucidating secondary organic aerosol from diesel and gasoline vehicles through detailed characterization of organic carbon emissions
DR Gentner, G Isaacman, DR Worton, AWH Chan, TR Dallmann, L Davis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (45), 18318-18323, 2012
Dynamics and chemistry of marine stratocumulus—DYCOMS-II
B Stevens, DH Lenschow, G Vali, H Gerber, A Bandy, B Blomquist, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 84 (5), 579-594, 2003
The AeroCom evaluation and intercomparison of organic aerosol in global models
K Tsigaridis, N Daskalakis, M Kanakidou, PJ Adams, P Artaxo, R Bahadur, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (19), 10845-10895, 2014
ACE-ASIA: regional climatic and atmospheric chemical effects of Asian dust and pollution
JH Seinfeld, GR Carmichael, R Arimoto, WC Conant, FJ Brechtel, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (3), 367-380, 2004
Carbohydrate-like composition of submicron atmospheric particles and their production from ocean bubble bursting
LM Russell, LN Hawkins, AA Frossard, PK Quinn, TS Bates
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (15), 6652-6657, 2010
The VAMOS ocean-cloud-atmosphere-land study regional experiment (VOCALS-REx): Goals, platforms, and field operations
R Wood, CR Mechoso, CS Bretherton, RA Weller, B Huebert, F Straneo, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (2), 627-654, 2011
Organic aerosol growth mechanisms and their climate-forcing implications
SF Maria, LM Russell, MK Gilles, SCB Myneni
Science 306 (5703), 1921-1924, 2004
Evidence for NOx Control over Nighttime SOA Formation
AW Rollins, EC Browne, KE Min, SE Pusede, PJ Wooldridge, DR Gentner, ...
Science 337 (6099), 1210-1212, 2012
Contribution of sea surface carbon pool to organic matter enrichment in sea spray aerosol
PK Quinn, TS Bates, KS Schulz, DJ Coffman, AA Frossard, LM Russell, ...
Nature Geoscience 7 (3), 228-232, 2014
Organic aerosol composition and sources in Pasadena, California, during the 2010 CalNex campaign
PL Hayes, AM Ortega, MJ Cubison, KD Froyd, Y Zhao, SS Cliff, WW Hu, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (16), 9233-9257, 2013
Aerosol organic-mass-to-organic-carbon ratio measurements
LM Russell
Environmental science & technology 37 (13), 2982-2987, 2003
Exploring the vertical profile of atmospheric organic aerosol: comparing 17 aircraft field campaigns with a global model
CL Heald, H Coe, JL Jimenez, RJ Weber, R Bahreini, AM Middlebrook, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (24), 12673-12696, 2011
The effects of low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids on cloud formation
AJ Prenni, PJ DeMott, SM Kreidenweis, DE Sherman, LM Russell, Y Ming
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105 (50), 11240-11248, 2001
Reflecting sunlight: Recommendations for solar geoengineering research and research governance
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Comparison of gasoline direct-injection (GDI) and port fuel injection (PFI) vehicle emissions: emission certification standards, cold-start, secondary organic aerosol formation …
G Saliba, R Saleh, Y Zhao, AA Presto, AT Lambe, B Frodin, S Sardar, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (11), 6542-6552, 2017
Mapping organic coatings on atmospheric particles
LM Russell, SF Maria, SCB Myneni
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (16), 26-1-26-4, 2002
FTIR measurements of functional groups and organic mass in aerosol samples over the Caribbean
SF Maria, LM Russell, BJ Turpin, RJ Porcja
Atmospheric Environment 36 (33), 5185-5196, 2002
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