Microbial processes influencing performance of treatment wetlands: a review JL Faulwetter, V Gagnon, C Sundberg, F Chazarenc, MD Burr, J Brisson, ... Ecological engineering 35 (6), 987-1004, 2009 | 1010 | 2009 |
454 pyrosequencing analyses of bacterial and archaeal richness in 21 full-scale biogas digesters C Sundberg, WA Al-Soud, M Larsson, E Alm, SS Yekta, BH Svensson, ... FEMS microbiology ecology 85 (3), 612-626, 2013 | 780 | 2013 |
Impact of trace element addition on degradation efficiency of volatile fatty acids, oleic acid and phenyl acetate and on microbial populations in a biogas digester A Karlsson, P Einarsson, A Schnürer, C Sundberg, J Ejlertsson, ... Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 114 (4), 446-452, 2012 | 191 | 2012 |
Bioavailability of cobalt and nickel during anaerobic digestion of sulfur-rich stillage for biogas formation J Gustavsson, SS Yekta, C Sundberg, A Karlsson, J Ejlertsson, ... Applied energy 112, 473-477, 2013 | 159 | 2013 |
Effects of trace element addition on process stability during anaerobic co-digestion of OFMSW and slaughterhouse waste J Moestedt, E Nordell, SS Yekta, J Lundgren, M Martí, C Sundberg, ... Waste management 47, 11-20, 2016 | 153 | 2016 |
Potential nitrification and denitrification and the corresponding composition of the bacterial communities in a compact constructed wetland treating landfill leachates C Sundberg, K Tonderski, PE Lindgren Water Science and Technology 56 (3), 159-166, 2007 | 78 | 2007 |
Overland flow systems for treatment of landfill leachates—potential nitrification and structure of the ammonia-oxidising bacterial community during a growing season C Sundberg, JSK Stendahl, K Tonderski, PE Lindgren Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (1), 127-138, 2007 | 67 | 2007 |
Microbial rRNA gene expression and co‐occurrence profiles associate with biokinetics and elemental composition in full‐scale anaerobic digesters RM Ziels, BH Svensson, C Sundberg, M Larsson, A Karlsson, SS Yekta Microbial biotechnology 11 (4), 694-709, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |
Leaf-litter-associated fungi and bacteria along temporal and environmental gradients in boreal streams J Bergfur, C Sundberg Aquatic Microbial Ecology 73 (3), 225-234, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Microclimatological consequences for plant and microbial composition in Sphagnum-dominated peatlands BJM Robroek, ER Wubs, M Marti, K Zajac, JP Andersen, A Andersson, ... Boreal environment research 19 (3), 195-208, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Mechanisms of increased methane production through re-circulation of magnetic biomass carriers in an experimental continuously stirred tank reactor J Hellman, A Ek, C Sundberg, M Johansson, B Svensson, M Karlsson 12th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD12). Oct 31st-Nov 4th, 2010 …, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
The fixed saddle-bridge--the superplant. A clinical and roentgenological 6-11 year longitudinal investigation. L Izikowitz, C Molin, C Sundberg Svensk Tandlakare tidskrift. Swedish Dental Journal 64 (10), 719-758, 1971 | 7 | 1971 |
Evaluating Leading Approaches and Tools in Collaborative Green Venturing K Fichter, K Hurrelmann, A Seela, O Hjelm, M Larsson, W Kanda, ... University of Oldenburg, Department of Business, Economics and Law, 2020 | | 2020 |
Report for Work Package 2: Evaluating leading approaches and tools in collaborative green venturing K Fichter, K Hurrelmann, A Seela, O Hjelm, M Larsson, C Sundberg, ... University of Oldenburg, Department of Business, Economics and Law, Adj …, 2020 | | 2020 |
Guidelines for the evaluation of collaborative student-business venturing activities K Fichter, K Hurrelmann, A Seela, O Hjelm, M Larsson, C Sundberg, ... University of Oldenburg, Department of Business, Economics and Law, Adj …, 2020 | | 2020 |
Micronutrients and microorganisms in biogas processes: fundamentals and experiences BH Svensson, A Karlsson, C Sundberg, R Ziels, J Gustavsson, M Larsson, ... COST Action on European network on ecological functions and trace elements …, 2014 | | 2014 |
Ammonia oxidation and the corresponding bacterial communities in two overland flow areas treating landfill leachate or wastewater C Sundberg, K Sundblad-Tonderski, PE Lindgren Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011 | | 2011 |
Shifts in microbial community structure at Co and Ni nutrient deficiency in biogas tank reactors digesting grain stillage J Gustavsson, C Sundberg, W Abu Al-Soud, BH Svensson | | 2011 |
Development of the community structure and activity of ammoniaoxidising bacteria in overland flow systems used to treat landfill leachates C Sundberg, K Sundblad-Tonderski, PE Lindgren Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2009 | | 2009 |
Nitrifyers in constructed wetlands treating landfill leachates C Sundberg PQDT-Global, 2008 | | 2008 |