Stepan Snigirev
Stepan Snigirev
Quantum Engineer, planqc
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Continuous operation of large-scale atom arrays in optical lattices
F Gyger, M Ammenwerth, R Tao, H Timme, S Snigirev, I Bloch, J Zeiher
Physical Review Research 6 (3), 033104, 2024
Fast and dense magneto-optical traps for strontium
S Snigirev, AJ Park, A Heinz, I Bloch, S Blatt
Physical Review A 99 (6), 063421, 2019
Light-assisted collisions in ultracold Tm atoms
IS Cojocaru, SV Pyatchenkov, SA Snigirev, IA Luchnikov, ES Kalganova, ...
Physical Review A 95 (1), 012706, 2017
Measurement of the -level polarizability in laser-cooled Rb atoms
S Snigirev, A Golovizin, D Tregubov, S Pyatchenkov, D Sukachev, ...
Physical Review A 89 (1), 012510, 2014
Coherent excitation of the 5D5/2 level of ultra-cold rubidium atoms with short laser pulses
SA Snigirev, AA Golovizin, GA Vishnyakova, AV Akimov, NN Kolachevskii
Quantum Electronics 42 (8), 714, 2012
Continuous operation of large-scale atom arrays in optical lattices (2024)
F Gyger, M Ammenwerth, R Tao, H Timme, S Snigirev, I Bloch, J Zeiher
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.04994, 0
Study of the Rabi splitting at the 5P3/2→ 5D5/2, 3/2 transitions in the 87Rb atom upon cascade excitation in a magnetooptical trap
AV Akimov, EO Tereshchenko, SA Snigirev, AY Samokotin, AV Sokolov, ...
Quantum Electronics 40 (2), 139, 2010
Resonant interaction of femtosecond radiation with a cloud of cold 87Rb atoms
AV Akimov, EO Tereshchenko, SA Snigirev, AY Samokotin, AV Sokolov, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 109, 359-369, 2009
Towards quantum state engineering with strontium atoms in state-dependent optical lattices
S Snigirev, AJ Park, A Heinz, S Wissenberg, J Dalibard, I Bloch, S Blatt
Quantum Information and Measurement, QT4A. 2, 2017
Measurement of the 5D level polarizabilities in laser cooled Rb atoms
D Tregubov, S Snigirev, A Golovizin, S Pyatchenkov, D Sukachev, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (9), 092121, 2015
Measurement of polarizabilities of 5D levels of rubidium in a magnetic trap
SA Snigirev, AA Golovizin, SV Pyatchenkov, DO Tregubov, AV Akimov, ...
Optics and Spectroscopy 119, 535-543, 2015
Towards Quantum Simulation of Light-Matter Interfaces with Strontium Atoms in Optical Lattices
A Heinz, AJ Park, E Staub, R Haindl, S Snigirev, J Dalibard, I Bloch, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 64, 2019
Towards Quantum Simulation of Light-Matter Interfaces with Strontium Atoms in Optical Lattices
N Šantić, A Heinz, AJ Park, E Staub, R Haindl, S Snigirev, J Dalibard, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2019 …, 2019
Towards quantum many-body physics with Sr in optical lattices
S Blatt, A Heinz, AJ Park, F Finger, S Snigirev, J Dalibard, I Bloch
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2018 …, 2018
Towards quantum many-body physics with Sr in optical lattices
S Snigirev, A Heinz, AJ Park, S Wissenberg, J Dalibard, I Bloch, S Blatt
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2017 …, 2017
Thulium atom as new platform for quantum simulations and quantum information
IS Cojocaru, S Pyatchenkov, S Snigirev, I Luchnikov, D Sukachev, ...
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 3967-3967, 2016
Light assisted collisions in ultra cold Tm atom
A Akimov, I Cojocaru, S Pyatchenkov, S Snigirev, I Luchnokov, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 …, 2016
Towards quantum many-body physics with Sr in optical lattices
S Blatt, N Jansa, RG Escudero, A Heinz, AJ Park, S Snigirev, J Dalibard, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 …, 2016
Collisions in ultra-cold thulium atoms
AV Akimov, IS Cojocaru, S Pyatchenkov, S Snigirev, I Luchnikov, ...
Study of the Rabi splitting at the 5P {sub 3/2}{yields} 5D {sub 5/2, 3/2} transitions in the {sup 87} Rb atom upon cascade excitation in a magnetooptical trap
AV Akimov, EO Tereshchenko, SA Snigirev, AY Samokotin, AV Sokolov, ...
Quantum Electronics (Woodbury, NY) 40 (2), 2010
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