Behavior change techniques in top-ranked mobile apps for physical activity DE Conroy, CH Yang, JP Maher American journal of preventive medicine 46 (6), 649-652, 2014 | 642 | 2014 |
A Daily Analysis of Physical Activity and Satisfaction With Life in Emerging Adults. JP Maher, SE Doerksen, S Elavsky, AL Hyde, AL Pincus, N Ram, ... Health Psychology 32 (6), 647-656, 2013 | 257 | 2013 |
Daily physical activity and life satisfaction across adulthood. JP Maher, AL Pincus, N Ram, DE Conroy Developmental psychology 51 (10), 1407, 2015 | 239 | 2015 |
Implementation of behavior change techniques in mobile applications for physical activity CH Yang, JP Maher, DE Conroy American journal of preventive medicine 48 (4), 452-455, 2015 | 230 | 2015 |
Sedentary behavior as a daily process regulated by habits and intentions. DE Conroy, JP Maher, S Elavsky, AL Hyde, SE Doerksen Health Psychology 32 (11), 1149, 2013 | 219 | 2013 |
Physical activity is positively associated with college students' positive affect regardless of stressful life events during the COVID-19 pandemic JP Maher, DJ Hevel, EJ Reifsteck, ES Drollette Psychology of sport and exercise 52, 101826, 2021 | 173 | 2021 |
Parenting styles, food-related parenting practices, and children's healthy eating: A mediation analysis to examine relationships between parenting and child diet NV Lopez, S Schembre, BR Belcher, S O'Connor, JP Maher, R Arbel, ... Appetite 128, 205-213, 2018 | 147 | 2018 |
A dual-process model of older adults’ sedentary behavior. JP Maher, DE Conroy Health Psychology 35 (3), 262, 2016 | 121 | 2016 |
Enhancing our understanding of physical activity and wellbeing with a lifespan perspective AL Hyde, JP Maher, S Elavsky International Journal of Wellbeing 3 (1), 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
Habits predict physical activity on days when intentions are weak AL Rebar, S Elavsky, JP Maher, SE Doerksen, DE Conroy Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 36 (2), 157-165, 2014 | 107 | 2014 |
Ecological momentary assessment is a feasible and valid methodological tool to measure older adults’ physical activity and sedentary behavior JP Maher, AL Rebar, GF Dunton Frontiers in psychology 9, 1485, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
Daily satisfaction with life is regulated by both physical activity and sedentary behavior JP Maher, SE Doerksen, S Elavsky, DE Conroy Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 36 (2), 166-178, 2014 | 97 | 2014 |
A daily process analysis of intentions and physical activity in college students DE Conroy, S Elavsky, SE Doerksen, JP Maher Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 35 (5), 493-502, 2013 | 88 | 2013 |
Associations of maternal stress with children's weight‐related behaviours: a systematic literature review SG O'Connor, JP Maher, BR Belcher, AM Leventhal, G Margolin, ... Obesity reviews 18 (5), 514-525, 2017 | 83 | 2017 |
Habit strength moderates the effects of daily action planning prompts on physical activity but not sedentary behavior JP Maher, DE Conroy Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 37 (1), 97-107, 2015 | 76 | 2015 |
Daily life satisfaction in older adults as a function of (in) activity JP Maher, DE Conroy Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2017 | 73 | 2017 |
Relationships among affective states, physical activity, and sedentary behavior in children: Moderation by perceived stress. CKF Wen, Y Liao, JP Maher, J Huh, BR Belcher, E Dzubur, GF Dunton Health Psychology 37 (10), 904, 2018 | 63 | 2018 |
Momentary assessment of physical activity intention-behavior coupling in adults JP Maher, RE Rhodes, E Dzubur, J Huh, S Intille, GF Dunton Translational behavioral medicine 7 (4), 709-718, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Do fluctuations in positive affective and physical feeling states predict physical activity and sedentary time? JP Maher, E Dzubur, R Nordgren, J Huh, CP Chou, D Hedeker, ... Psychology of sport and exercise 41, 153-161, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Within-day time-varying associations between behavioral cognitions and physical activity in adults JP Maher, E Dzubur, J Huh, S Intille, GF Dunton Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 38 (4), 423-434, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |