Anthony Dudo
Scientists' prioritization of communication objectives for public engagement
A Dudo, JC Besley
PLoS One 11 (2), e0148867, 2016
Reporting a potential pandemic: A risk-related assessment of avian influenza coverage in US newspapers
AD Dudo, MF Dahlstrom, D Brossard
Science communication 28 (4), 429-454, 2007
Primacy effects of The Daily Show and national TV news viewing: Young viewers, political gratifications, and internal political self-efficacy
RL Holbert, JL Lambe, AD Dudo, KA Carlton
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 51 (1), 20-38, 2007
Science on television in the 21st century: Recent trends in portrayals and their contributions to public attitudes toward science
A Dudo, D Brossard, J Shanahan, DA Scheufele, M Morgan, N Signorielli
Communication Research 38 (6), 754-777, 2011
Understanding scientists’ willingness to engage
JC Besley, A Dudo, S Yuan, F Lawrence
Science communication 40 (5), 559-590, 2018
Scientists' views about communication training
JC Besley, A Dudo, M Storksdieck
Journal of Research in science teaching 52 (2), 199-220, 2015
Coverage of emerging technologies: A comparison between print and online media
MA Cacciatore, AA Anderson, DH Choi, D Brossard, DA Scheufele, ...
New media & society 14 (6), 1039-1059, 2012
The emergence of nano news: Tracking thematic trends and changes in US newspaper coverage of nanotechnology
A Dudo, S Dunwoody, DA Scheufele
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 88 (1), 55-75, 2011
Toward a model of scientists’ public communication activity: The case of biomedical researchers
A Dudo
Science Communication 35 (4), 476-501, 2013
Scientists’ views about communication objectives
JC Besley, A Dudo, S Yuan
Public Understanding of Science 27 (6), 708-730, 2018
Socialization or rewards? Predicting US scientist-media interactions
S Dunwoody, D Brossard, A Dudo
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 86 (2), 299-314, 2009
Qualitative interviews with science communication trainers about communication objectives and goals
N Besley, J. C., Dudo, A., Yuan, S., & AbiGhannam
Science Communication 38 (3), 356–381, 2016
Food nanotechnology in the news. Coverage patterns and thematic emphases during the last decade
A Dudo, DH Choi, DA Scheufele
Appetite 56 (1), 78-89, 2011
Public communication by research institutes compared across countries and sciences: Building capacity for engagement or competing for visibility?
M Entradas, MW Bauer, C O'Muircheartaigh, F Marcinkowski, A Okamura, ...
PloS one 15 (7), e0235191, 2020
Scientists, the media, and the public communication of science
A Dudo
Sociology Compass 9 (9), 761-775, 2015
Two-way communication between scientists and the public: a view from science communication trainers in North America
S Yuan, T Oshita, N AbiGhannam, A Dudo, JC Besley, HE Koh
International Journal of Science Education, Part B 7 (4), 341-355, 2017
Science communication training in North America: preparing whom to do what with what effect?
A Dudo, JC Besley, S Yuan
Science Communication 43 (1), 33-63, 2021
Strategic science communication as planned behavior: Understanding scientists’ willingness to choose specific tactics
JC Besley, K O’Hara, A Dudo
PloS one 14 (10), e0224039, 2019
Precision of information, sensational information, and self‐efficacy information as message‐level variables affecting risk perceptions
MF Dahlstrom, A Dudo, D Brossard
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 32 (1), 155-166, 2012
An analysis of nanoscientists as public communicators
A Dudo, LA Kahlor, N AbiGhannam, A Lazard, MC Liang
Nature Nanotechnology, 2014
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