Carson Brownlee
Carson Brownlee
Research Assistant, University of Utah
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cs.utah.edu
OSPRay-a CPU ray tracing framework for scientific visualization
I Wald, GP Johnson, J Amstutz, C Brownlee, A Knoll, J Jeffers, J Günther, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (1), 931-940, 2016
Real-Time Ray Tracer for Visualizing Massive Models on a Cluster
T Ize, C Brownlee, CD Hansen
Physically-Based Interactive Flow Visualization Based on Schlieren and Interferometry Experimental Techniques
C Brownlee, V Pegoraro, S Shankar, P McCormick, C Hansen
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 1-1, 2010
A study of ray tracing large-scale scientific data in parallel visualization applications
C Brownlee, J Patchett, LT Lo, D DeMarle, C Mitchell, J Ahrens, C Hansen
Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and …, 2012
Scalable ray tracing using the distributed framebuffer
W Usher, I Wald, J Amstutz, J Günther, C Brownlee, V Pascucci
Computer Graphics Forum 38 (3), 455-466, 2019
Adaptive multi-resolution for graphics
TT Schluessler, J Ray, JH Feit, N Kaburlasos, J Kwiatkowski, AR Appu, ...
US Patent 10,591,971, 2020
Uintah user guide
J Guilkey, T Harman, J Luitjens, J Schmidt, J Thornock, JD de St Germain, ...
Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake …, 2009
CPU volume rendering of adaptive mesh refinement data
I Wald, C Brownlee, W Usher, A Knoll
SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Symposium on Visualization, 1-8, 2017
Multi-pass apparatus and method for early termination of graphics shading
J Barczak, K Xiao, M Apodaca, T Raoux, C Brownlee, G Liktor
US Patent 10,699,475, 2020
Image-parallel Ray Tracing using OpenGL Interception.
C Brownlee, T Ize, CD Hansen
EGPGV@ Eurographics, 65-72, 2013
SIMD Parallel Ray Tracing of Homogeneous Polyhedral Grids.
B Rathke, I Wald, K Chiu, C Brownlee
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 33-41, 2015
GLuRay: Ray Tracing in Scientific Visualization Applications using OpenGL Interception
C Brownlee, T Fogal, CD Hansen
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 3, 2012
Towards interactive global illumination effects via sequential monte carlo adaptation
V Pegoraro, C Brownlee, PS Shirley, SG Parker
Interactive Ray Tracing, 2008. RT 2008. IEEE Symposium on, 107-114, 2008
Combined surface and volumetric occlusion shading
M Schott, T Martin, AVP Grosset, C Brownlee, T Höllt, BP Brown, ST Smith, ...
2012 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 169-176, 2012
Physically-based interactive schlieren flow visualization
C Brownlee, V Pegoraro, S Shankar, P McCormick, C Hansen
2010 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 145-152, 2010
Cloud-based realtime raytracing
C Brownlee, J Barczak, K Xiao, M Apodaca, P Laws, T Raoux, ...
US Patent 11,069,123, 2021
Uintah user guide version 1.1
J Guilkey, T Harman, J Luitjens, J Schmidt, J Thornock, ...
SCI Institute, University of Utah UUSCI-2009-007, 2009
Adjusting graphics rendering based on facial expression
TT Schluessler, J Ray, JH Feit, N Kaburlasos, J Kwiatkowski, J Amstutz, ...
US Patent 11,106,274, 2021
Apparatus and method for hierarchical beam tracing and packet compression in a ray tracing system
I Wald, G Liktor, C Benthin, C Brownlee, J Guenther, JD Amstutz
US Patent 10,204,441, 2019
Practical global illumination for interactive particle visualization
CP Gribble, C Brownlee, SG Parker
Computers & Graphics 32 (1), 14-24, 2008
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