Kevin Masters
Kevin Masters
Professor of Psychology, University of Colorado Denver
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ucdenver.edu
Religiousness and mental health reconsidered: A study of an intrinsically religious sample.
AE Bergin, KS Masters, PS Richards
Journal of counseling psychology 34 (2), 197, 1987
The current status of measures of spirituality: A critical review of scale development.
AN Kapuscinski, KS Masters
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 2 (4), 191, 2010
The development of an instrument to measure motivation for marathon running: The Motivations of Marathoners Scales (MOMS)
KS Masters, BM Ogles, JA Jolton
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 64 (2), 134-143, 1993
A typology of marathon runners based on cluster analysis of motivations.
BM Ogles, KS Masters
Journal of Sport Behavior 26 (1), 2003
Assessing outcome in clinical practice.
BM Ogles, MJ Lambert, KS Masters
Allyn & Bacon, 1996
Prayer and health: Review, meta-analysis, and research agenda
KS Masters, GI Spielmans
Journal of behavioral medicine 30, 329-338, 2007
Associative and dissociative cognitive strategies in exercise and running: 20 years later, what do we know?
KS Masters, BM Ogles
The sport psychologist 12 (3), 253-270, 1998
A comparison of manual versus computer-assisted radiographic measurement: intraobserver measurement variability for Cobb angles
KG Shea, PM Stevens, M Nelson, JT Smith, KS Masters, S Yandow
Spine 23 (5), 551-555, 1998
A meaningful life is a healthy life: A conceptual model linking meaning and meaning salience to health
SA Hooker, KS Masters, CL Park
Review of general psychology 22 (1), 11-24, 2018
Older vs. younger adult male marathon runners: participative motives and training habits.
BM Ogles, KS Masters
Journal of Sport Behavior 23 (2), 2000
Purpose in life is associated with physical activity measured by accelerometer
SA Hooker, KS Masters
Journal of health psychology 21 (6), 962-971, 2016
Religious life-styles and mental health: An exploratory study.
AE Bergin, RD Stinchfield, TA Gaskin, KS Masters, CE Sullivan
Journal of Counseling Psychology 35 (1), 91, 1988
Does compassion mediate the intrinsic religion-health relationship?
PR Steffen, KS Masters
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 30 (3), 217-224, 2005
The relations between cognitive coping strategies, reasons for running, injury, and performance of marathon runners
KS Masters, MJ Lambert
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 11 (2), 161-170, 1989
Does type-D personality predict outcomes among patients with cardiovascular disease? A meta-analytic review
KR O'Dell, KS Masters, GI Spielmans, SA Maisto
Journal of psychosomatic research 71 (4), 199-206, 2011
Advancing our understanding of religion and spirituality in the context of behavioral medicine
CL Park, KS Masters, JM Salsman, A Wachholtz, AD Clements, ...
Journal of behavioral medicine 40 (1), 39-51, 2017
Are there demonstrable effects of distant intercessory prayer? A meta-analytic review
KS Masters, GI Spielmans, JT Goodson
Annals of behavioral medicine 32 (1), 21-26, 2006
Effects of cognitive strategy and exercise setting on running performance, perceived exertion, affect, and satisfaction
RA LaCaille, KS Masters, EM Heath
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 5 (4), 461-476, 2004
Engaging in personally meaningful activities is associated with meaning salience and psychological well-being
SA Hooker, KS Masters, KM Vagnini, CL Rush
The Journal of Positive Psychology 15 (6), 821-831, 2020
Presurgical biopsychosocial factors predict multidimensional patient: outcomes of interbody cage lumbar fusion
RA LaCaille, MS DeBerard, KS Masters, AL Colledge, W Bacon
The Spine Journal 5 (1), 71-78, 2005
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