Religiousness and mental health reconsidered: A study of an intrinsically religious sample. AE Bergin, KS Masters, PS Richards Journal of counseling psychology 34 (2), 197, 1987 | 645 | 1987 |
The current status of measures of spirituality: A critical review of scale development. AN Kapuscinski, KS Masters Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 2 (4), 191, 2010 | 398 | 2010 |
The development of an instrument to measure motivation for marathon running: The Motivations of Marathoners Scales (MOMS) KS Masters, BM Ogles, JA Jolton Research quarterly for exercise and sport 64 (2), 134-143, 1993 | 396 | 1993 |
A typology of marathon runners based on cluster analysis of motivations. BM Ogles, KS Masters Journal of Sport Behavior 26 (1), 2003 | 378 | 2003 |
Assessing outcome in clinical practice. BM Ogles, MJ Lambert, KS Masters Allyn & Bacon, 1996 | 374 | 1996 |
Prayer and health: Review, meta-analysis, and research agenda KS Masters, GI Spielmans Journal of behavioral medicine 30, 329-338, 2007 | 335 | 2007 |
Associative and dissociative cognitive strategies in exercise and running: 20 years later, what do we know? KS Masters, BM Ogles The sport psychologist 12 (3), 253-270, 1998 | 278 | 1998 |
A comparison of manual versus computer-assisted radiographic measurement: intraobserver measurement variability for Cobb angles KG Shea, PM Stevens, M Nelson, JT Smith, KS Masters, S Yandow Spine 23 (5), 551-555, 1998 | 263 | 1998 |
A meaningful life is a healthy life: A conceptual model linking meaning and meaning salience to health SA Hooker, KS Masters, CL Park Review of general psychology 22 (1), 11-24, 2018 | 242 | 2018 |
Older vs. younger adult male marathon runners: participative motives and training habits. BM Ogles, KS Masters Journal of Sport Behavior 23 (2), 2000 | 241 | 2000 |
Purpose in life is associated with physical activity measured by accelerometer SA Hooker, KS Masters Journal of health psychology 21 (6), 962-971, 2016 | 208 | 2016 |
Religious life-styles and mental health: An exploratory study. AE Bergin, RD Stinchfield, TA Gaskin, KS Masters, CE Sullivan Journal of Counseling Psychology 35 (1), 91, 1988 | 206 | 1988 |
Does compassion mediate the intrinsic religion-health relationship? PR Steffen, KS Masters Annals of Behavioral Medicine 30 (3), 217-224, 2005 | 187 | 2005 |
The relations between cognitive coping strategies, reasons for running, injury, and performance of marathon runners KS Masters, MJ Lambert Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 11 (2), 161-170, 1989 | 183 | 1989 |
Does type-D personality predict outcomes among patients with cardiovascular disease? A meta-analytic review KR O'Dell, KS Masters, GI Spielmans, SA Maisto Journal of psychosomatic research 71 (4), 199-206, 2011 | 170 | 2011 |
Advancing our understanding of religion and spirituality in the context of behavioral medicine CL Park, KS Masters, JM Salsman, A Wachholtz, AD Clements, ... Journal of behavioral medicine 40 (1), 39-51, 2017 | 158 | 2017 |
Are there demonstrable effects of distant intercessory prayer? A meta-analytic review KS Masters, GI Spielmans, JT Goodson Annals of behavioral medicine 32 (1), 21-26, 2006 | 157 | 2006 |
Effects of cognitive strategy and exercise setting on running performance, perceived exertion, affect, and satisfaction RA LaCaille, KS Masters, EM Heath Psychology of Sport and Exercise 5 (4), 461-476, 2004 | 152 | 2004 |
Engaging in personally meaningful activities is associated with meaning salience and psychological well-being SA Hooker, KS Masters, KM Vagnini, CL Rush The Journal of Positive Psychology 15 (6), 821-831, 2020 | 142 | 2020 |
Presurgical biopsychosocial factors predict multidimensional patient: outcomes of interbody cage lumbar fusion RA LaCaille, MS DeBerard, KS Masters, AL Colledge, W Bacon The Spine Journal 5 (1), 71-78, 2005 | 141 | 2005 |