Atheendar S. Venkataramani
Atheendar S. Venkataramani
Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania; Opportunity for Health
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Police killings and their spillover effects on the mental health of black Americans: a population-based, quasi-experimental study
J Bor, AS Venkataramani, DR Williams, AC Tsai
The Lancet 392 (10144), 302-310, 2018
Stigma as a fundamental hindrance to the United States opioid overdose crisis response
AC Tsai, MV Kiang, ML Barnett, L Beletsky, KM Keyes, EE McGinty, ...
PLoS medicine 16 (11), e1002969, 2019
Association between receipt of unemployment insurance and food insecurity among people who lost employment during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
J Raifman, J Bor, A Venkataramani
JAMA network open 4 (1), e2035884-e2035884, 2021
Social distancing to slow the US COVID-19 epidemic: Longitudinal pretest–posttest comparison group study
MJ Siedner, G Harling, Z Reynolds, RF Gilbert, S Haneuse, ...
PLoS medicine 17 (8), e1003244, 2020
Health consequences of the US Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration programme: a quasi-experimental study
AS Venkataramani, SJ Shah, R O'Brien, I Kawachi, AC Tsai
The Lancet Public Health 2 (4), e175-e181, 2017
Association between automotive assembly plant closures and opioid overdose mortality in the United States: a difference-in-differences analysis
AS Venkataramani, EF Bair, RL O’Brien, AC Tsai
JAMA internal medicine 180 (2), 254-262, 2020
Corruption and Inequality at the Crossroad: A Multimethod Study of Bribery and Discrimination in Latin America
P Lagunes, BJ Fried, A Venkataramani
Latin American Research Review 45 (1), 76-97, 2010
Shadows of the Captain of the Men of Death: Early Life Health Interventions, Human Capital Investment and Institutions
S Bhalotra, A Venkataramani
Syndemics and health disparities: a methodological note
AC Tsai, AS Venkataramani
AIDS and Behavior 20, 423-430, 2016
Early life exposure to malaria and cognition in adulthood: evidence from Mexico
AS Venkataramani
Journal of health economics 31 (5), 767-780, 2012
Public policy and health in the Trump era
S Woolhandler, DU Himmelstein, S Ahmed, Z Bailey, MT Bassett, M Bird, ...
The Lancet 397 (10275), 705-753, 2021
Structural racism, economic opportunity and racial health disparities: evidence from US counties
R O'Brien, T Neman, N Seltzer, L Evans, A Venkataramani
SSM-Population health 11, 100564, 2020
Regression discontinuity designs in healthcare research
AS Venkataramani, J Bor, AB Jena
bmj 352, 2016
Technical efficiency in agricultural production and its determinants: An exploratory study at the district level
KR Shanmugam, A Venkataramani
Indian journal of agricultural economics 61 (2), 2006
Moving toward global primordial prevention in cardiovascular disease: the heart of the matter
M Vaduganathan, AS Venkataramani, DL Bhatt
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 66 (14), 1535-1537, 2015
Mortality rates from COVID-19 are lower in unionized nursing homes: study examines mortality rates in New York nursing homes.
A Dean, A Venkataramani, S Kimmel
Health Affairs 39 (11), 1993-2001, 2020
Economic vulnerability among US female health care workers: potential impact of a $15-per-hour minimum wage
KEW Himmelstein, AS Venkataramani
American journal of public health 109 (2), 198-205, 2019
Maternal mortality and women’s political power
S Bhalotra, D Clarke, JF Gomes, A Venkataramani
Journal of the European Economic Association, jvad012, 2023
Accuracy and determinants of perceived HIV risk among young women in South Africa
B Maughan-Brown, AS Venkataramani
BMC public health 18, 1-9, 2018
Urban water disinfection and mortality decline in lower-income countries
SR Bhalotra, A Diaz-Cayeros, G Miller, A Miranda, AS Venkataramani
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13 (4), 490-520, 2021
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