Frauke Izdebski
Frauke Izdebski
Research Scientist - RAL Space
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na stfc.ac.uk
Imaging high-dimensional spatial entanglement with a camera
MP Edgar, DS Tasca, F Izdebski, RE Warburton, J Leach, M Agnew, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 984, 2012
Multiplexed single-mode wavelength-to-time mapping of multimode light
HK Chandrasekharan, F Izdebski, I Gris-Sánchez, N Krstajić, R Walker, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14080, 2017
Optimizing the use of detector arrays for measuring intensity correlations of photon pairs
DS Tasca, MP Edgar, F Izdebski, GS Buller, MJ Padgett
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 013816, 2013
Quantum correlations in position, momentum, and intermediate bases for a full optical field of view
J Leach, RE Warburton, DG Ireland, F Izdebski, SM Barnett, AM Yao, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 013827, 2012
Solid‐State Laser, Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Source (Rilis) and Laser Beam Transport at Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities
J Lassen, P Bricault, M Dombsky, F Izdebski, JP Lavoie, M Gillner, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1099 (1), 769-773, 2009
Determination of the band‐gap of MgS and MgS‐rich Zn1−xMgxSySe1−y alloys from optical transmission measurements
IA Davidson, RT Moug, F Izdebski, C Bradford, KA Prior
physica status solidi (b) 247 (6), 1396-1398, 2010
Development of an epitaxial lift-off technology for II–VI nanostructures using ZnMgSSe alloys
R Moug, C Bradford, A Curran, F Izdebski, I Davidson, KA Prior, ...
Microelectronics journal 40 (3), 530-532, 2009
Single-photon position to time multiplexing using a fiber array
RE Warburton, F Izdebski, C Reimer, J Leach, DG Ireland, M Padgett, ...
optics Express 19 (3), 2670-2675, 2011
A comparison of ZnMgSSe and MgS wide bandgap semiconductors used as barriers: Growth, structure and luminescence properties
RT Moug, C Bradford, F Izdebski, I Davidson, A Curran, RJ Warburton, ...
Journal of crystal growth 311 (7), 2099-2101, 2009
Imaging high-dimensional spatial entanglement with a camera Nat
MP Edgar, DS Tasca, F Izdebski, RE Warburton, J Leach, M Agnew, ...
Commun 3, 984, 2012
Quantum correlations measured with multi-pixel detectors
F Izdebski
Heriot-Watt University, 2013
Single-photon detection in time-of-flight-depth imaging and quantum key distribution
GS Buller, RJ Collins, PJ Clarke, NJ Krichel, A McCarthy, RE Warburton, ...
Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VIII 7945, 611-619, 2011
The next generation thermal infrared satellite in-flight radiometric calibration sources
DM Peters, D Smith, T Nightingale, F Izdebski, JV Pearce, RI Veltcheva, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 3230 (1), 2024
Next generation infrared calibration sources
D Peters, D Smith, RA McPheat, F Izdebski, C McGurk
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 22646, 2020
Multiplexed wavelength-to-time conversion of multimode light (Conference Presentation)
HK Chandrasekharan, F Izdebski, I Gris-Sánchez, N Krstajić, R Walker, ...
Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXI 10106, 79-79, 2017
High-dimensional spatial entanglement observed with an electron multiplying CCD camera
DS Tasca, MP Edgar, F Izdebski, RE Warburton, J Leach, M Agnew, ...
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications VI …, 2012
Quantum correlations in position, momentum and intermediate bases, measured using fiber arrays
F Izdebski, J Leach, RE Warburton, DG Ireland, SM Barnett, AM Yao, ...
Complex Light and Optical Forces VI 8274, 57-64, 2012
Full-field quantum measurements and holographic ghost imaging
J Leach, B Jack, J Romero, S Franke-Arnold, M Ritsch-Marte, SM Barnett, ...
2011 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, 41-42, 2011
Full-field quantum correlations with multi-pixel detectors
RE Warburton, J Leach, DG Ireland, F Izdebski, MJ Padgett, GS Buller
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QThE6, 2011
Determination of the band-gap of MgS and MgS-rich Zn {sub 1-x} Mg {sub x} S {sub y} Se {sub 1-y} alloys from optical transmission measurements
IA Davidson, RT Moug, F Izdebski, C Bradford, KA Prior
Physica Status Solidi B (Basic Research) 247, 2010
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